Prom Date

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I could have been at their dorm by now, what is taking Hansol so long? I check my phone for the time and notice there is a message from him, saying he'll be late. I sat patiently, looking around at the art on the walls of the small coffee shop.
I hear the ring of the chimes that signify the door opening and I turn to see Hansol walking in. His eyes are puffy and red, he's been crying. Concern washes over me and I prepare myself for the worst. "Hey, sorry I'm late, I lost track of the time." He says calmly, before noticing my worried expression.
"Why have you been crying?" I ask bluntly. He looks down at his feet, his hand deep in his pockets, shame oozing out of him. "Hansol tell me, please?" I plead, I hate seeing my best friend so down. He always tried to mask it but I can always tell.
"It's nothing, really, it was happy crying." His loose features stop me from pushing him further, his eyes pleading for me not to force him to tell me. So I don't. He will tell me when he is ready. He always does.
We walk slowly to the dorm and talk nonsense about nothing in particular.
When we get to the dorm, I find SeungCheol sitting on the couch, a laptop on his knee, writing something for uni. He stand up when he hears the door and comes through to greet me.
"Hey little sis, how you been?" He asks pulling me in tight. His use of the term "little sis" makes me feel uncomfortable in an embrace I'd usually feel relaxed in, I usually feel every inch of my body tingle at his touch. But this time I don't. Because of those words.
"Not bad, yourself?" I ask sweetly, after he finally let's go.
"Good, can I talk to you for a second... Alone?" I freeze at his words. Shit what have I done. Did Hansol talk to him already? This can't be good. I nod and follow him into the living area. Hansol goes to his room to give us privacy. We sit on the couch and he looks at me, dead in the eyes.
"Hansol told me," shit, "and I'm going to be honest I wasn't surprised." What? "I've known for years how you felt but I don't think it's right." Here comes the little sister speech. "You're like a sister to me. And I feel like me taking you to prom, wouldn't be enjoyable for either of us. You should go with someone who wants to be with you, someone you know you will have a good time with. Not someone who would only be going to protect you. Plus I've been to prom once already, if you go with someone your age, it'll be a new experience for you both, you'll enjoy it more." I understand his words but I don't have anyone that fits that description.
"Who could my date be then?" I look down at my hands which fidget with the hem on my skirt. I feel his hand under my chin as he lifts my head to look at him.
"Who do you think?" I am confused, I don't know anyone, I don't understand. I shrug in response. "Hansol." WHAT?

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