I Saw An Angel, Of That Im Sure!

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Hansol's POV

After our daily lessons, I go with me brothers to the play room. SeungCheol, the oldest of us all, sits with me, playing with the toy cars. That's when she walks in. They don't introduce her, they just let her in.
I am stunned, she is beautiful. Very shy. Her rugged teddy bear, held by the paw, hanging shamefully, some splatters of bloody still on it's belly. The same hand that hold the bear, has it's thumb place in her mouth. She stays at the door, awkwardly, waiting, unsure of this place, unsure of us.
I turn to SeungCheol and ask, "big brother, is that an angel?" I don't believe that any woman could be as beautiful as her. She has to be an angel in disguise, a disguise I can see right through.
"No, don't talk nonsense, she's just a girl." He stands up and goes to her, introducing himself. She catches my gaze and I look away, scared she caught me staring. SeungChol brings her over and introduces her to everyone. We all stand, and individually greet her. I am last in line and I take her hand, as if to shake it, but instead I kiss the back, and slightly bow, still believing she is an angel. I will treat her as such.
She giggled at my actions and I wondered where she came from. She wasn't Asian, that I could tell. She seemed to not fully understand the other boys, who didn't know English too well. I on the other hand, have being doing very well in my English lessons. Joshua too. Maybe that's why she spent most of that day by my side. She understood me.
I'm not sure why she chose me as her best friend, even after she learned Korean, but I do know that I am forever grateful, to whatever angels decided to send her down to me.
"HanSol!" She clicks her fingers in my face, I've been daydreaming again. "U-Hoo, anybody home? Calling mr dreamy." She jokes and I giggle into reality.
"Sorry, sorry, lost in my own little world, how can I be of service my lady?" I say, bowing like a gentleman before his queen. I wish she was my queen. My angel. She may not be these things but she is my best friend. I know her better than I know myself. That makes me love her all the more. For me she's an open book, telling me everything and anything.
"I need you to help plan my prom date. Remember? I asked you last night and you were eager to come and help? Ringing any bells?" Shit, I thought I'd get away with avoiding this topic, I want to be her date. I hope she doesn't go with SeungCheol, that would most likely give me a heart attack. I agreed so I could spend more time with her, but discussing guys she'd rather spend that night with that's not me, I may have a breakdown by the end of the week.
We haven't yet entered our final year yet she is planning everything to a T, just to make sure everything goes as planned. It's sweet in a way, how she is so organised. But I feel this time it's too extreme. Fair enough looking for a dress and things but being so organised that she know exactly what dress, shoes, hair, transport and date she wants, all before the year starts, that's taking it too far. I don't stop her of course. Why would I? She recruits me to help her with almost every decision, meaning I spend more and more time with her, alone.
"Do you think SeungCheol would ever go with me?" She asks, looking down at the pen she twiddles in her hands. My chest feels heavy. If I say no it will hurt her, if I say yes it may hurt her more but also hurt myself.
"I'm note really sure, he might feel awkward, he sees you like a little sister, you could always ask? Or if you would like, I could say something?" At my words she picks up her mood.
"You would do that for me?" I try hard to swallow the lump in my throat and nod. A slight smile on my face.
"Anything for my lady." I say, her arms thrown around my neck as I utter the words.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" She leans back slightly, her arms still around me, every inch of me tingling at her touch. "You are the best friend any girl could ever have." She pulls me back in and I hold her close, dreading the moment where she lets go. "I love you Hansol, what would I do without you?" I restrain myself, knowing that when she says she loves me, she means as a friend.
"I love you too." I say with a fake chuckle, feeling her pull back, and I unwillingly let her. One of these days, I'll let her know just how much she really means to me. How I really feel.

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