Meeting Gavin

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"We'll be back soon to help set up, MingHao is away to delay the witch and eventually bring her here, we're going to get everything from the room next door, shouldn't take long." SeokMin informs me as he and SeungCheol leave the room. I smile and nod before turning to face the window, hearing the door shut behind me. I stare anxiously at a large puddle on the ground outside, almost covering the entire square playground below. I take a deep breath and tell myself everything will be okay. We can do this. We are doing this. I am doing this.
I never believed I would be plotting to murder someone, and actually go through with it. No matter how much it hate that person. No matter how much I hate Ms Blackback, I didn't think if ever get to do this. Am I really capable of murder?
"It was self defence." I remember my fathers words faintly through the wall. "She didn't mean to, it's not her fault." I hear him plead, begging for them to not take me from him.
"I am sorry sir, but she committed a crime, we must take her for a while. If everything goes as hoped, you will have her back. Please do not try and resist this sir." I hear a firm yet concerned voice, my fathers sobs follow his words. Footsteps grew closer and my door cracked open.
"Hello there," the tallest of the two men greets me as he comes closer to my bed. "I'm going to have to ask you to come with me, don't worry, you're in safe hands." I nod lightly, knowing I will see my father soon, I'll be okay. I don't know where I'm going, or why, but if my father is going to let it happen, it must be a good thing, right?
They escort me to a black Mini-bus and help buckle me in the back seat. The two men sit either side of me. "Where are we going?" My innocent voice rings out in the vehicle. I place my thumb back in my mouth, anxious as the bus comes to a stop outside a large white building.
"You'll see, don't worry, everyone here is nice and friendly. You'll be okay." I am reassured by his words and take his hand as he escorts me to a small room that resembles a doctors office. He waits with me until a man in a long white coat comes in to the room. "You'll be okay with Dr Miles. His name is Gavin. He will help you get better." I am confused by his words. I didn't think I was sick.
"Hello there, how are you feeling?" He asks and I stay still, my shy personality proving to be a problem. I slowly remove my thumb from my mouth, my teddy in the same hand, falling to my side.
"Okay." I mumble, looking down at the ground, watching my legs swing back and forth.
"We'll need to get you out of that little shell of yours." I don't look at him when he speaks, instead I look around the room, taking in my surroundings. "Do you remember what you did yesterday?" He asks next, the tone of his voice is friendly yet a little condescending. I shake my head lightly. "You killed someone." I am shocked by his words. Did I? I don't remember. Who did I kill? Why did I kill them? Why can't I remember anything?
Why did I repress this memory. That place. That face. The name. He is our scientist. I still do not have any memory of killing someone before, but if I did it once, I guess I could easily do it again. I was very young when all this happened, maybe 4 or 5? I never saw my father again. After that day in that building, with Dr Gavin Miles and the many other strangers I met, I was placed into a shelter. Other kids my age surrounded me. All boys. Thirteen to be exact. That's how I met them all. They all have met their parents, and have kept in contact. But I have never been given the chance. When I try track him down, they tell me they cannot help, I am not allowed to see him. I've tried to get answers but nobody will give me them.

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