Set Up

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SeungCheol's POV

I've always known she liked me, and I will admit I do find her attractive and we do get on quite well, but I don't see us working out. I also couldn't hurt HanSol like that. He's been head over heels in love with her since the shelter. That first day she arrived. I'd never seen him that way before. There had never been a girl at the shelter before then. Especially none like her.
We all bonded really quickly in the shelter, when someone new came we instantly welcomed them. We were close, always. Once I reached the age I had to leave, I started to rent a dorm near by, I got legal rights over all the boys and they moved in with me. She was different though. They wouldn't give me legal guardian ship over her, especially since I would have twelve other boys under the same roof, all of which were also underage like her. She had to stay in the shelter longer but we always spent as much time as we could with her while she was still there. She moved in to a small apartment not far from our dorm, that way I can still look after her, we all can keep her safe.
None of us know how we ended up in that shelter, or why. All we know is that we did, and we have each other now, thanks to that dump. They tried to repress our memories of how we ended up there, what we did to be punished like that. I don't know how successful they were for everyone, but for me, they were, maybe because they had longer to work on me, and from such a young age. I don't remember a thing. All I know is that I done something. Something bad. And I didn't see my family until I left that dreaded place. Only then was I allowed contact. Only then did I realise that the thirteen youngsters I'd grown up with, and swore to protect, were my true family. My biological family had forgotten about me years ago, they had moved on, they didn't care anymore. So I didn't care about them. I still see them from time to time but not often. I spend most of my time with the family we made.
There was originally seventeen of us, before she came. Four more boys made our unit feel almost complete, but they got transferred overseas. It allowed the thirteen of us to grow closer and we felt like a true family. She helped us stay close, and that's why in times like this, I'm more than happy to help her. She's like a sister to me, that's why I could never go there. A little sister at that, it just would feel wrong. HanSol on the other hand has always seen her in a different way. He considered us guys family but she was something else.
He's always denied his feelings but they are obvious. How she can't tell, I don't understand but I feel like she feels the same. No matter how much she appears to like me. I'm just a crush, yes one she has had for years, but that's all I am. We haven't connected like she has with him, simply because they have such a close bond.
"Hey, could you give me a hand with these big brother?" I hear HanSol's deep voice behind me. I turn to face him and nod, walking over to grab one end of the small brown box. These balls were heavy, and yes I said balls. Gavin created weapons in the form of innocent sports balls in order to go undetected. The science behind them is phenomenal although they appear to be nothing. "How many of these things are there?" He asks as he backs down the hall towards the room where we left our girl.
"There should be eight, I think." I state, trying to remember back to how many we agreed on. "Let me check actually." I say and instruct him to sit the box down.
"I only count five." He says, looking down at me with an eyebrow raised.
"There were more than that when we brought them here." I say, almost panicked. Not that it would make a difference. They could only do damage to her, so if the physical education department found them and took some, it wouldn't be that bad, but they would be breaking valuable technology. I'm sure they wouldn't have taken them, they're too heavy to carry, never mind throw or kick around.
"Shit maybe we should go back, see if we can find them in that room?" He suggests, slightly panicked at the though of loosing them. We leave the box and head back to where we came from, we still have plenty of time before the attack, we will make it, even if we don't find these balls.

Shelter (Seventeen fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon