We're Done

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Hansol's POV

I forgave him the first time, back in the shelter, but this time, I couldn't let it go. She could have been killed and he did nothing. So what if he was being mind controlled, he still attacked her. He put her in danger, he's supposed to be her brother, my brother, were supposed to be a family that protects one another, not do the bidding of the enemy.
When we get back to hers she goes for a shower and I let her know I'm going back to the dorm, in hope he isn't there. I let my anger build up as I walk down the street, not completely sure I will be able to control myself if he is there. I feel my fists clench, I hear my racing heart as the blood pounds round my head. When I get to the front door everything begins to go quicker than I expect. I slam the door behind me, getting to the living room as quick as I can, as I enter I see him standing there, the traitor dared to show his face back here.
"YOU BASTARD! SHE TRUSTED YOU! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HELP PUT HER IN DANGER YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!" My whole body feeling the blunt force of my anger. My eyes slightly water at the thought he could do this again and also at the thought that I've found myself shouting at him like this. I see his bottom lip quiver and eyes fill with tears.
"IM SORry-" his voice cracks and a sob escapes as he screams an apology. His hands cover his face, almost cowering away from me. I won't take pity on him, I won't ease up, I have to make him realise how bad this could've been.
"SORRY AINT GOING TO CUT IT THIS TIME MINGHAO! ARGH! I..." I let out an anger filled breath, trying to calm myself slightly as I sees his tears. I turn to the external, brick wall and slam my fist into it, groaning loudly in pain as I shake it off. I turn to me, my fist still clenched, his face looking like a satisfying target. Im I actually about to punch my brother? Im actually goi-
Before my fist makes contact, he is pulled away from my reach, chan standing in his place. I stop myself from touching him. He didn't do anything wrong, I can't hurt him.
He stares into my eyes as the palm of his hand collides with my cheek.
"Stop being a fucking dick. Can't you see he feels like shit? Don't you remember all those nights we had to comfort him that first time he almost got her hurt? Don't you think he's going to be in a bad enough state?" My eyes dart to MingHao then back to chan, my breathing heavy, the room around us silent.
"Fine, if you guys want to forgive him, it's your own fault when he fucks up again, but from now on, he ain't my brother." I angrily twist the silver ring off my finger and throw it into the floor, an attempt to prove that he and I are no longer family, and if that means no longer being united with the others, so be it. I can't sit and watch as my family comfort a traitor. I storm out of the door, hoping to return later for my things, when he has gone.
I'm sure she won't mind me crashing on her couch for a while, right? After all we are best friends, she'll understand why I can't stay there. Not after what he has done. She won't forgive him either. We don't have to see any of them again.
I rush back to hers, realising that I have left my rage behind. When I reach her front door, i stand for a moment, breathing, clearing my head. After a minute or two, I enter the apartment, lightly closing the door behind me. "Hansol, is that you?" Her sweet voice sings through to me.
"Who else?" I say with a smile as I come to meet her. Her smile matching mine as her eyes travel from my chest up to my eyes, noticing that they are slightly blood shot. Her smile is now gone.
"What's wrong, what happened?" I look away, running my hand through my hair, may eyes lock on the floor. "Hansol tell me, what have you done?" She can see my guilt, shame I hadn't realised I felt until now. She looks at the hand that's now on my neck, not seeing the ring I threw in their faces. "Where's your ring?" My silence almost answers her questions.
"I may have shouted at MingHao and threw my ring at them when they stood up for him." I confess, feeling the shame as she looks disappointedly at me. Almost angry? What have I done?
"YOU WHAT?!" Why is she so angry at me? "Do you know nothing about you brother? He's fragile, why do you think it was so easy for that cow to get to him? He's not as strong as the rest of us!" My shoulders feel heavier with ever word.
"I- I didn't think, shit." I bring my hands to my face, feeling my damp cheeks, I'm crying?
"I think you need to apologise, and get that ring back." She says, raising her eyebrows before turning away from me, going to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I follow her and sit myself on a stool. "You can stay here tonight, but tomorrow we're going to make things right, okay?" I look down at my hands, and nod slightly, if this is how I react to her almost getting hurt, what would I of been like if we had lost her? I look back at her, as she serves up the pasta and sits opposite me. She smiles up at me, surprisingly chirpy after being angry with me less than a hour ago, the look on her face reminds me of how forgiving she is. She sees the best in everyone of us, even me.

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