Who Will Believe Us?

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"Inseparable... I wonder what would happen if I took the boys' perfect little girl away from them." Her words ring in my ears. I look at MingHao and then back at her. The ball I've been twirling still in my hands, begging me to throw it at her, end her now, right here. Before I can finish that thought she quickly grabs another ball and throws it at me, a cloud of rubber and ash falls down on top of me as I kneel, attempting to avoid being hit again. This time she let us see what her touch does to these. It still doesn't harm me and I'm left wondering what exactly Gavin did with her DNA that these, supposedly, only do damage to her. I quickly stand from her attack and retaliate with the ball I have. It hits her and there is a delay. She picks it up, expecting nothing to happen. That's when it bursts in her hands, the ash not only burning her skin but clogging her airways. She falls to her knees, clutching her throat, gasping for air. Did I just-? Is she-? I look at MingHao, then back at her. His eyes just as wide as mine. Was that it? Did we really just do this? We could get away with this, I have MingHao and Dr Miles to prove she planned this. I have evidence that this was self defence. She attacked me first. The cctv in the room will have caught it all.
The corners of my mouth curl into a smile and I look back to MingHao, pulling him into a tight embrace. "We did it. I did it. We're gonna get away with this." I say while holding him. I pull back, concerned by his lack of excitement. He looks worried, almost ashamed, why? Is it because of the brainwashing? Because he had to do everything she said? That wasn't his fault though.
"What's wrong?" My eyes are locked in his although he tries to look away. "MingHao tell m-" I'm cut off by Hansol barging through the door with SeungCheol.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" He pulls me into his arms, holding me close to his chest. I can hear, and feel, his heart racing, his breathing uncontrolled.
"I'm alright, MingHao is a little shaken though I think." At my words he turns to our older brother, giving him his "I don't trust you" look.
"What happened?" SeungCheol asks, looking around the room. Unsure of where to begin, I sigh.
"Well, Ms Blackback had mind controlled MingHao to do her bidding but not remember any of it so as to appear innocent. She got him to steal some of the ball... weapon... things. Got him to attack me, and when that didn't work, she tried to attack me herself. All the while forcing MingHao to stand by watching, unable to do anything but attack me." Hansol looks back at MingHao as I finish those words. I can see anger build within him, an anger I've never seen before.
SeungChol also notices and leaves with MingHao. Alone in the room with Hansol and Ms Blackback's dead body, I look around, trying to figure out what we should do next. Should we call the police? An ambulance? Both? Do we need anyone else? Should we check if she is actually dead first?
Hansol must have noticed my flustered face, yet mistaken it for fear.
"She deserved it, remember, she tried to kill you, you had no choice." He smiles lightly, walking over to me, cupping my face in his hands.
"It's not that. I know she did, I'm happy about that. But we didn't plan it this way, we didn't plan on her forcing MingHao to hurt me. We didn't plan what we would do after, with her. Should we report it? And to who? And what if-"
"Shhh, don't worry we'll fix this." He reassures me, wiping some ash off my head. "We should go get you cleaned up." I smile and look down at my feet. Taking in a deep breath. He leans in and places a light kiss on my forehead and I feel a slight rush, the spot on my forehead tingles. What was that? I don't understand what just happened and I don't think I'm ready to think about the possibilities. "Let's go then." He places an arm around me and leads me home. On the way out he tells Wonwoo to call emergency services, who by now has been filled in on the details of the attack. This is going to be a long week of police investigations. But who's going to believe us about the mind control?

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