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"Do you think we can really do this? Pull it off?" I anxiously ask Hansol, who sits "playing piano" on my right shin. He briefly stops to look up at me, a warm smile creeps onto his face.
"Of course we can, if fourteen of us can't pull off a murder and then get away with it, I don't know who could. You have nothing to worry about," he pauses and looks up at me, a sincere look on his face. His hand moves from my shin to my shoulder and squeezes lightly. "We have you and you have us, that's all we need. I won't let anything happen to you." I look away from him gaze, a shy smile finds it's way to my face. His hand grazes my face lightly before falling back to my shoulder and down my arm. I feel his fingers lightly press into my shin again and he starts humming a song, that sounds somewhat out of tune.
"What would I do without you?" I ruffle his hair to which he groans at, quickly trying to fix it back into the dreadful split middle parting he favours. "Well probably I wouldn't want to fix someone's hair so badly." I joke. He looks back at me, a slight hurt expression on his face.
"What's wrong with my hair?" He asks, opening his eyes slightly wider, his eyebrows ruffling.
"It looks better like this," I say, leaning forward to reach him, splitting his hair in a side parting and pinning his left side behind his ear. "There, that's better." I lean back to admire the improvement.
"I do it this way sometimes, but I thought it looked better split down the middle?" He looks at me puzzled. Whoever led him to believe that was clearly not thinking straight. "JiHoo told me you said you thought a middle parting would suit me better." He states what the innocent looking little devil has told him now. Now I understand, kind of. But why would me liking his hair a certain way make him change how he styles it? Why not say it was some girl he has a crush on? That'd make more sense to me. Although I don't think I have ever heard him talking about a girl, and being his best friend, I'd expect him to tell me. I've told him every single thing I've ever felt for someone. He even knows about my crush on SeungCheol, and that was difficult for me to admit, since were such a close group of friends.
"He did? Well he was lying, I did once say I really DIDN'T like middle partings? Maybe he heard me wrong?" He chuckles slightly at my words.
"That's what I though, I asked if he heard you right but he emphasised that you definitely said that and I should start styling it this way." I raise my eyebrow a little, not completely sure yet why that would have convinced him so easily to change.
"Anyway, not important. Did MingHao get our precious weapons from the crazy scientist?" I enquire changing the subject from questions I'm not sure I care to ask.
"Uh he says he took them and hide them near to where we're going to attack." He relayed MingHao's plan to me as he shrugged, rolling his eyes slightly and shaking his head. "Whatever he thinks is best I guess." I nod lightly.
"Well it is helpful, it is tomorrow we're going to do this anyway so it's good that they're there for now and we just have to get them at the time. Did him or SeungCheol tell you what the weapons are?" I question, also not knowing what I, and the boys, will be killing the wicked witch with.
"Nope, I didn't ask." He admits, proving that neither of us bothered to find out. I trust SeungCheol and MingHao so I don't feel the need to be worried, but I'm curious.

Shelter (Seventeen fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum