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Avons POV:

"Avon Dartnell." She speaks.
I stand there shocked. All of the blood from my rosy cheeks are draining. I can tell my the look on my face is filled with horror.

"Avon honey. Where are you?" Asks Effie.
I look over to my brother with tears in my eyes. My stomach is doing flips.

I look back to the stage. Everyone is looking at me. I make myself walk up onto the stage as the entire district made a walking pathway for me.

"Come on." She says sweetly.

I feel like knives are being stabbed into my ears. As I stand beside Effie everything goes mute. I hear people briefly talking about me.

"Dear." Effie says holding the microphone up to me.

"Hmm?" I ask snapping out of it.

"I asked how old you are." She states.

"Um.. I-... I'm fourteen."

"Awe. How adorable. Well, may the odds be ever in your favor." She states causing me to cringe. I've always hated that saying.

"District five. Welcome the tributes of the seventy third annual hunger games."

I look over to my mother and father. My mother is sobbing into my fathers shoulder and my fathers face looks lifeless.

Liam is being held back by peace keepers. He's screaming and crying.

I never thought this would be me. I was only put in three times. There's no way.

As I'm drowning in my thoughts, I feel a tug on both of my fragile arms. It's two peace keepers. They drag me and take me into the justice building.

"Are we getting to say goodbye?" Asks Vasco to the peace keeper.

"Yes. Only five minutes."

I was escorted to room. In front of the doors were two more peacekeepers making sure I don't try to escape on guessing.

I look around this room and let a tear shed. The room is filled with books. There are book cases on every wall. Just as I sit myself down in a brown leather seat, the doors open to reveal my family.

I get up as fast as I can and run to them.

"Mom. W-what do I do?" I ask.
"I've never been through training, I'm weak. I only know-"

"Shhhh. Darling. It's okay, breath." She soothes me. I burst out into even more tears.

"You know how to hide. You know how to hunt. You know how to make traps. You are the most beautiful smart little girl I have ever met. You can do this." She encourages. It's so strange. Now she is so calm and positive. Just a couple of minutes ago she was acting like it was the end of the world. But, my mom is strong.

"I agree. Brains kill strength." Says my father. Not in all situations but sometimes that's true.

"I- I would have volunteered but I couldn't." Liam cries.

"I know." I say as I hug him.

"Times up." Says the peace keepers as they barge into the room taking my family away.

"Wait! No. Mom, dad, Liam." I scream.

"It's okay darling." Says my mom with tears in her eyes.

"I love-" I say as the door shuts.

"You." I finish.

I sit in the leather chair and calm down for a minute. Why me?

"It's time to go." One of the peace keepers say as they come into the room and grab a hold of my arms tightly.

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