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Finnicks POV:

It's currently 3 days into the games and there are only 6 tributes left including Avon.

Everyone is shocked about that. I am sort of but then again I'm not. She's gotten tons of sponsors. Most of the people who did send her things weren't even asked to. Everyone's in love with her.

She's effortlessly beautiful. Her smile. Oh her smile is contagious.
Her personality is so lovable. She has to live for years on end. I couldn't live with myself if she died.

Honestly, I don't know why I'm so protective of her. It's crazy. I've never felt this way about anyone before.

I turn my focus back to the tv. Farro is getting more food. They ran out a couple of days ago. Avon is getting some more water.

I focus on Avon. Everything seems okay. I notice she has a tattoo on her neck. It says ZLA is small letters. I wonder what that means. I also notice she has a lot of scars on her shoulder blades. They aren't new. Her skin is still flawless to me honestly.

Just as I was admiring her, she turns around quickly. She must have heard something.

"Farro?" She calls out as she stand up while closing the lid on the water bottle.

She turns back around and sits.

"No Avon. Pick up the axe and turn around just in case!" I yell at the screen sadly knowing she can't hear me.

Then there is a reflection in the water. Thank god she notices. I can't quite make it out yet until the water quit moving.

"NO!" I yell. Behind her stands one of the guy careers.

She grabs the axe, jumps up then turns around and dodges his knife quickly only to be tackled by him. They fall back and he's on top of her.

He comes running in the living room.

"What is wro-" he starts but doesn't finish.

She bites him and rips his skin off on his hand. He rolls off of her in pain.

"RUN!" I yell.

She runs but then he gets up and he is trailing right behind her. The good thing is that's she's fast on her feet.

She leads him all of the way up to the top where the waterfall is he jumps and tackles her again.

"AGHHH!" She screams. He gets on top of her and puts his hands around her throat and starts to strangle her.

"Come on kid!" Haymitch yells.
She's barely breathing. Damn it!

Her eyes shut and she quits moving.

She's gone. She's fucking gone.

"NOOOOO!" I scream and tears start spilling out of my eyes. I fall to the ground and ball.

"Finnick look!" Says Haymitch.

I look up and see the career quit strangling her. He gets up and smiles at what he's done. I cry even more.

Just when I thought I had lost her,  she jumps up and pushes the career off the waterfall.

I'm completely speeches less.
What the fuck just happened?

"Shit kid." Says Haymitch.

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