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Avon's POV:

I open my eyes and scrunch my nose. I feel the soft sheets on my skin and stretch out probably looking possessed.

Last night was weird. I met very strange people, had some disgusting food, and met president snow.

Meeting him was like sucking the blood off of your finger after its pricked. The taste makes you cringe. I walk out of my room and into the living room.

"Good morning sunshine!" Says an almost too sober Haymitch.

"Morning?" I say more like a question.

"Sit have some food." He says patting the seat next to him while motioning to the large buffet that was scattered on the table.

I sit down and load some food on my plate...

"Vasco still asleep?" I ask.

"No princess. He woke up at like six thirty to eat then go train. You're the last tribute to wake up. You should be the one getting up to train." He says


I eat my food and slump into my seat. After I'm finished I walk into my room and grab my training outfit.

It's a black fitted shirt on with a pair of long, black, thick,stretchy pants with a pair of black tennis shoes.

I'm surprised that it isn't all rain bow.

I walk out of my room, down the hall, then into the elevator. Training is down below the lobby level and I'm currently on level 38.

Thinking it would take a while to get there. I was very wrong. The elevator had to have went at least 50 miles per hour. I hold on to the railing for my life.

All of a sudden everything that was light around me soon become dark.

I was underground at the training center.

The elevator stops and the doors open. I stumble a little because I'm so light headed.

I look up only to see that no one is here. That's strange.

This place is empty.

"Everyone has left already." Says a voice that comes out from no where. Except I know this voice.

"Is that so Odair?" I ask. It's on oh he's hiding from me just to pull my strings.

"Yep. They all got bored. They have mastered every skill there is to know. Most of them aren't even going to train anymore." He says simply

He's still hiding and I can't find him.

"Wait. They are all careers?" I yell.

I hear feet hit the ground behind me.

"Yeah, but I didn't tell you. You figured it out on your own." He says in my ear causing me to get chills.

I walk away from him still filled with anger.

"This doesn't make sense. All careers? I'm so confused." I sit down and sigh.

"You shouldn't be. You're to smart. Just look at all of the things that have occurred and piece them together." He says as he sits next to me.

"Anyways, let's get your training started." He says trying to get my mind off of it.

"I don't know what to do."

"I can't let you use the trident. You're not and no offense. You're not strong enough."

"None taken."

"How about we try the bow?" He asks.

I walk over the the bow and pick up and arrow.

"Now, you're going to hold the-"

"I'm not stupid I can do it." I growl.

He stands back and I pull back on the arrow and let it go. It doesn't even make it to the target, instead it hits the ground.

"Okay maybe a different weapon." He says as he takes the bow away from me.

"Here." He says giving me a dagger.

"How do I even use this?" I ask.

"Well... You can throw it." He says while throwing it directly into a target. "Or... You can stab with it like this." He says while stabbing a dummy.

"The handle is too small. I don't like it." I say.

"Seriously? Not even going to try?" He laughs and lowers his head.

"Nope." I say.

I walk over to the axe and pick it up. I can easily grip it.

"I doubt you can-"

I cut him off by throwing it directly in the center of a target.

"Did I just do that?" I ask with my breath shaking.

"Do it again." He commands.

I pick up another axe and throw it right in the middle of the target again.

"Well, I think we just found your weapon."

In His EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang