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Avon's POV:

"Me? Lead a rebellion? I can barely fight for myself much less anyone else." I say.

"No. It's not that you would particularly be a soldier in the rebellion. You would be the face of it. Your brain works in ways that they do not understand. You are a loaded weapon and you're aiming at them in the middle of their heads." He tells.

I get up and push my chair away. I quickly walk into my room and start packing.

"Snow will keep you here. He won't let you leave." Says Finnick.

"I'm a victor now. Shouldn't I get to do what I want?" I yell and start throwing things into a bag.

"Snow still thinks of you as a small fourteen year old okay. You are not a victor in his mind. You are a lucky tribute who was in the right places at the right time. That's what he is thinking." He yells back while holding my arms still and stopping me.

"Finnick I just want to go home. I can't take this anymore. The Capitol is not what people think it is. They are horrible. It's like I'm suffocating in this place. I'm leaving wether Snow likes it or not." I sternly tell him and pull away from his grip.

"He will hunt you down and gut you himself." He yells.

Why is he so worried about me? Why does it even matter to him what happened to me?

"If that means I still get to go home and see my family for at least a minute I don't fucking care."

I have tears coming out of my eyes while I pack.

Being here feels like your being stabbed with a thousand blades at one time.

It's like everywhere you go you're walking on glass. I'm leaving.

I walk over to the door only for it to be blocked by Finnick.

"I can't let you go." He says looking into my eyes.

"Why?" I yell.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt Avon. I couldn't live with myself if I let you go and he killed you." He says.

His sea green eyes turn glossy. His face is flustered.

I sigh. There's no way he's moving out of the door way.

Looks like I'm going to have to stay here.....

"Fine." I groan. "I'll stay."

He lets out a relaxing breath that was well needed for him.

"Okay just please stay in your room. I have to go do something but please stay here. I'm going to tell Haymitch not to let you leave."

"Okay. I'm just going to go back to sleep and relax then." I say.

He leaves and shuts the door. I lie down until I hear his footsteps go faint.

I can't believe he would think I'd be staying here another second on my own will. Ha! Funny.

I get up and finish packing. I throw on my black long sleeved shirt, my black leggings, and my white shoes... all of this provided by the Capitol.

I throw my hair into a high ponytail and throw my back pack on my back.

"Where do you think you are going?" Asks a feminine voice.

"Effie I'm going home." I say as I walk out of my room.

"No you aren't. You simply can't. You have rings to do before you leave." She says trying to get me to stop walking.

"Nope. I don't!" I say.

"Avon sit your ass down right now." Says a Haymitch.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch and sit down.

"You chat just leave on your own terms." He states. "Snow will kill you literally."

"Why? I don't see why I can't go home."

"You know already. He's scared of you and he will never like the idea of you leaving. He will keep you here forever. Which is exactly why we need to make you disappear." Haymitch says.

"Wait. What? Disappear? How!?" I ask curiously.

"You need to be dead." Says Effie.

"Kill me!?" I ask in shock.

"No. We need to make Snow think you are dead. That way he won't look for you. Of course you would have to hide somewhere in your district where he could never find you just incase he does want to search."

"Okay. So how do we do this?" I ask.

"We get you home first. Then we come back to the Capitol. I have a friend who creates robotic look a likes. He does a robot for each victor. You can never tell the difference between the bot and the actual person. I can kindly ask him for your bot and we can just say that you shot yourself in the head. Effie can plan the fake funeral and I can attend. When you go home you can not be seen by anyone except your family okay. You have to stay in your house at all times. Do you have a place where you can hide in your house?" He asks.

"Yeah. I have plenty of places." I say.

"Okay. If you ever hear the sounds of peace keepers you hide in that place and never say a word. As far as Panem knows. You are dead."

Im speechless. I am going to miss going outside and breathing fresh air. I'll also miss interaction with people in my district. But it worth giving up if that means I get to go home forever.

"We need to get you on the train back to your house. I can't go with you. I have too much stuff to do here." Haymitch says. "But I can walk you to the train."

"Wait. There are cameras everywhere in the trains. You need a disguise." Says Effie.

"Well how am I going to do that?"

*2 hours later*

"Well Ms. Dartnell you look ravishing." Says Haymitch. "Or should I say Ms. Trinket?" He laughs.

"Very funny!" I roll my eyes.

I now look just like Effie. This is absolutely crazy.

"Okay darling. You are ready to go. This is were we say goodbye." Says Effie. I hug and thank her.

"Come on. Let's get you going Trinket."

I laugh and Haymitch I walk out of the pent house onto the elevator. We go all of the way down to the underground a where the trains are.

As soon as we get there I turn and hug him. Even though he is a drunk, he's a good man.

"Thank you so much." I breath easily.

"It's nothing. I'm happy I can do this." He smiles.

I turn to the train and get on. But before the door closes I say

"Haymitch. Don't tell Finnick I am alive. But tell him I said thank you." I say.

"Done deal." He smiles. "Be safe Dartnell." He adds

I put my hand up to my forehead and solute.

The doors close and I'm on my way home.

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