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Avon's POV:

I wonder what's going on.... back at home. I wonder if my family is watching me right now.

I wonder how my mom is holding up. I wonder what my brother is thinking about. I wonder how my dads day went at work today.

I lean back onto the cave wall and let my mind talk to itself.

I'm still trying to understand what Haymitch meant in my dream. I know it's something to do with me being drawn.

Finnick must know what ever I don't know about too. He mentioned it to me a couple of times.

None of it makes since. Maybe it was just the bad luck of the draw? I don't know.

I'm trying to think about my life over the past couple of months. I was actually involved with The Capitol a lot this year. They pulled me out of school to go to take tests that didn't even make since to me.

This all started after a school wide test. Everyone has to take it. It's and intelligence test. I don't know exactly what it's taken for or what it determines. However, I never got my results back. All of my class mates did.

Wait. It's all collapsing together.
I probably never got mine back because they kept it for some reason. But why would they keep it? Why would I have to take more tests of I already have taken one?

"Just look at all of the things that have occurred and piece them together." I her Finnicks voice in my head.

I start thinking more. Then I just start saying facts about me.

My name is Avon. I'm fourteen. I live in district five. I had two brothers, now I only have one.
I was chosen to be in the seventy third annual hunger games. I'm the only tribute that's not a career and eighteen.
The Capitol made me take tons of tests. This is a test-

I stop myself in thought.

This is a test.

What if I was chosen on purpose.

"I was only put into the reaping three times."

"Maybe more than three."

The flashback of mine and Finnicks conversation floods my brain.

I was put in here on purpose.

They never gave me my tests back because they didn't want to.

Maybe it's because I scored so high. I don't even know what my test scores were so I can't think of why they would keep them.

But I know, Snow wants me dead for some reason.

All of a sudden I hear a growl come from the back of the cave. My thoughts running ways from me quickly.

I can't see anything in here but I can hear something.

I take a stick and wrap a piece of my blanket around it and stick it in the fire to light it.

I hear the growl again and I stop in my tracks.

"Farro." I whisper yell.

"Get up!" I tap her gently.

"What's going one?" She says as she rolls over and scrunched her nose.

We hear a large growl again causing her to jump up quickly and grave her trident.

"What do you think it is?" I ask.

"I don't know." She says taking the light from me.

She walks further on into the cave and I follow behind her.

All of a sudden we I see something out of the corner of my eye.

"We've found it." Says Farro.

Then a big black wolf looking thing comes right at us.


I turn away and we run all of the way back to where we were. In one swift motion I grab my back pack and my axe.

Farro moves with bolder and we run out of the cave. I hear it trailing behind us.

"Keep running!" She says.

Just as she says that the forrest starts to catch on fire.
I try running from it but it does no good. The fire is growing too fast. As I'm close to getting away from it my leg it struck by a ball of fire.

"AGHHHHHHH!" I cry. My upper leg has at least a four degree burn. My skin is almost completely gone.

"Damnit!" She yells.

I get up and ignore the pain. Now,
I'm not even following her any more. She's following me. I run to where ever is not on fire.

Then I turn my head to hear more wolves howling.

"They're mutts."

"Get to high ground!" She yells.

By now the woods have calmed down and the flames are gone.
I'm still running for my life and my leg is still in pain.

I look behind me to see the mutts. They aren't what I thought they looked like. They are about the size of a car.

I finally find a tree that has the perfect climbing branches. Now that we have enough distance between where the mutts are to where we are we have a little bit of time. I go first and get up to about the middle of the tree and hear a scream.

I turn around and see Farro hanging on for her life. A mutt has her from the leg.

"Farro hold on." I yell.

I climb down to where she is and offer my hand. She grabs it tightly. I try to pull her up but then the mutt has her from the waist.

The grip on my hand becomes loose.

"AGHHHHHHHH!" She screams in pain. I turn away as she is being eaten alive.

I cry and climb up to the top of the tree.

"Thank you."

In His EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant