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Avon's POV:

My ears are filled with the sound of birds chirping. It's been a while since I've hear birds chirp.

The sun beams on me causing me to warm up a bit. I open my eyes and squint to see.

I turn my head and look away from it. I look down and see I'm still in the same tree.

"Attention tributes. In President Snow's generosity, in the cornucopia there is new supplies. This includes food, water, blankets, and weapons. May the odds be ever in your favor." Says a man. The arena must be equipped with an intercom sort of thing. I remember learning how to wire one.

New supplies? I look in my bag and see that there is barley anything in here. I need new supplies. I never know how much longer the games could go on.

Wait no! This is the perfect opportunity.

The other tributes probably won't go first hand. It's just another blood bath. I wonder if I could hide in one of the trees in the cornucopia and bomb them.

I need to make bomb.

I throw my back pack over my shoulder, throw my axe down to the ground and climb down.

I grab my axe and brush my hair out of my face. I also remember I saw a camera in the cave.

I know how to wire it to make it explode. I run back to the cave and grab the camera.

I open the back of it with the small end of my axe and re-wire it.

"Okay, you can remember this. Green wire to the blue wire. Blue wire to the yellow wire. Cut the red wire and connect it to the small circle on the back side. Put the top on and makes it into a fresh new bomb.

This camera is pretty big so it won't have a problem blowing up at least two tributes.

I run out of the cave and across the arena to the cornucopia.

No ones here yet and it looks like the supplies have been untouched. I climb into one of the tall spruces and hide. There is no way they can see me from up here.

Do I really want to do this? Kill innocent people just because we're all forced into this arena together?

What am I saying? These tributes wanted this. They are careers.

I look at my surroundings and see two figures walk across the field.

I hold the bomb in my small hands and contemplate what to do. As I'm doing that I hear a commotion going on.

The boy is strangling the girl tribute.

I thought they were allies? He's completely dominating. He's on top of her pinning her down while choking her. She kicks around for a little while but eventually quits moving.

I'm not sure if she's dead until I hear the cannon that fires not too long after. The boy walks around with his head held high. He grabs a couple of weapons and starts to walk away from the pile of supplies.

All of a sudden I see an arrow fly across the field and into his back.

I gasp and see Bock standing there with a smirk on his face.

The other tribute falls to the ground. Bock takes a trident and stabs him in the head.

The cannon fires.....

I'm shocked by everything that just went on. I'm speechless.

My mouth is wide open.

He smirks and walks over to the supplies.

In His EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant