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Avon's POV:

I throw the axes into my back pack and climb up the tree effortlessly. Surprisingly, i don't slip or anything.

I grab on to the last branch and pull myself up so I can sit on it. It was actually comfortable.

I open my bag and stab the axes into the tree.

In this bag there is a small cover, 4 small knives, a canteen filled with water already, and burn cream.

The other bag contains the same thing but also has a small amount of food.

I'm good for right now. I don't even have to leave the tree.


Finnicks POV:

"She's doing good." Says Haymitch.

I watch eagerly as she opens her back packs.

"Yeah, but why did that career let her go just like that?" He asks curiously.

"Wait, that's one of your tributes.... Did you-"

"Yes. I made her promise to protect her if she sees her okay."

I slump into the couch. I'm shaking with fear. I can't watch her get killed. She's too young. She's too beautiful.

"Haymitch, you go downstairs to get her sponsors right now. She needs them."

"Okay lover boy. It won't be that hard since she's basically the capitols daughter now. Everyone is in love with her." He pauses then stares at me.

"And I mean everyone."

I roll my eyes since he was obviously talking about me. I can't help but smile when I hear her name though. I've never really felt this way before.

He walks out of the room and closes the door.

I turn my focus back to her.

The arena is getting dark now and I have no clue what the game makers will be sending her way. They want her dead.

She leans her head against the tree and drinks some of her water. So far so good.

Then all of a sudden I hear voices other than hers.

The cameras point to the bottom of the tree to reveal five career tributes.

"Fuck." I curse while anger fuels inside me.

"So what are we going to do now?" One of the girl tributes say. I believe her name is Clarissa.

"Well, we find the capitol's daughter and we slowly kill her."
The boy says. His name is Bock. He's huge and is maybe around 6,5.

Now I'm filled with anger.

"Why would we kill her slowly? Isn't killing her just as bad?" Says Lilac. She's from district 7.

"Because, it makes her suffer longer."

"But she's only fourt-" lilac starts but gets her head chopped off by Bocks.There's the cannon.

"Look we just need to find her." Says Bock.

The other tributes nod along and they follow him.

I can see in her face was relief. I'm relieved as well. However, not relieved enough. Now four careers are after her. Not one, not two... Four

Avon's POV:
2 days later.

I'm still sitting in the same tree. I haven't gotten down yet. There's no need to. I have everything I need right here.

Right now it's early morning. Last night the anthem played and showed all of the deceased tributes. Eighteen are gone.

Just when I thought everything was going good. I see this white fog come out of no where. Me being curious, I reach my hand out to feel it.

"RUNN." Yells someone.

"Run, don't touch it." I get my axes and my backpacks and climb down the tree. I start to run as fast as I can but the fog hits my leg.

"AGHHH!" I scream out in pain.

All of a sudden I feel my legs go off of the ground. Someone is carrying me.

It's a girl career.

She runs all of the way to the edge of the woods and jumps to hide behind a bank.

"We're safe here." She says breathlessly to me.

It's the girl that killed the other tribute that tried to slaughter me.

I know who she is now. Her name is Farro. It's one of Finnicks tributes.

"Hi. I'm-"

"Avon. I know." She says.

I pause for a moment.. "Why did you save me?" I ask.

"Let's just say I'm nice."

In His EyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ