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Avon's POV:

Today is the day. The day they announce my death to Panem. I'm a little scared to see how some people will react.

Right now I'm just in the house. We have figured out a schedule for hiding.

I get in the outside hidden shelter at around five every day. If I want to come out at all I have to wait for the workers to be at the other side of the district before I sneak in.

It's an annoying schedule.. But I'll eventually get used to it.

Both of my parents work. My mother is the head of most everything in this district. My father of course is highly placed as well.

"It's got to be boring as hell just sitting here all day." Says Liam.

He doesn't have school anymore and will be working in a couple of weeks. He's not working until we get into the schedule.

"I know. Thank god you're with me for a while." I smile.

"I know. I'm excited to get some little sis time." He laughs while joining me on the couch.

"I'm so glad I get to spend some time with you. I mean I don't know. I just thought I would never be able to see you again. I never thought I would actually make it out alive." I lower my head.

"Well you did. You are strong. The strongest, most smartest, most amazing sister any brother could ask for." He pauses for a minute...

"So today is the day." He sighs.

"Yep. It is." I sigh with him.

"Are you scared?" He asks. He obviously doesn't know me.

"Hell yes I'm scared." I admit.

"It will be okay. Eventually you will be able to walk out of those doors and not worry about being taken." He calms me down.

"I know. Eventually." I roll my eyes.

They are announcing it around nine this morning.

It's eight fifty eight.

I get up from the couch and turn the television on. I see the capitols symbol and hear the music.

It's nine.

All of a sudden Cesar comes on the screens.

"Hello citizens of Panem. It is so marvelous to see your lovely faces this morning. " he smiles. I cringe.

"However, we have some tragic news to provide this morning. Please welcome Ms. Effie Trinket."

I then see a pink haired Effie walk on stage. She has long blue eyelashes on, a b-dazzled pink dress, and heels about a foot tall.

"Hello. Something tragic happened yesterday. Our newly crowned victor, Avon Datrnell, has slipped away from us. She left a note and shot herself because she couldn't deal with having someone's death on her own hands. She will forever be missed." She says as she starts to fake cry.

I roll my eyes and gawk. I do miss her already though.

The audience screams with rage. People start crying. Some people start blaming the Capitol and start yelling. This is horrible. I wonder what Snow thinks. I wonder what everyone thinks....

But I really wonder what Finnick thinks...

I feel so bad for leaving him in the dark. I didn't want to hurt him. But..... I'm sure that I have.

Finnick's POV (the day before).

"Thank you for your services Mr. Odair." Says another dolled up Capitol lady.

I nod my head at her and then leave the room.

I'm sick and tired of having to do this. I think I should only do this with someone I love. I don't even know these women.

I brush away my frustration and walk back to Avon's room.

It's late at night so she probably is asleep. I just want to check on her before I go to sleep.

I open the door and it's quiet. I see Haymitch and Effie sitting at the table.

"Hey I just came to check up on Avon before I-"

"Don't." Haymitch says, cutting me off.  "She's not here." He slumps his head.

"What do you mean she's not here!? Haymitch I told you not to let her leave. How could you just-"

"He didn't let her leave." Says Effie.

"She killed herself."

My breath has been knocked out of me.... It's like knives are being stabbed into my body.

"W-what?" I ask and drop to my knees.

I put my hands over my eyes and start balling.

Effie leans down beside me and try's to calm me down.

"Shhhhh." She says.

I get up and push her away. I run as fast as I can to the roof top.

"AGHHHHHHHH!" I scream with anger.


"Why did you do this to me?" I fall to the ground.

I feel like my life has been taken away from me. She was my emotional tether. She made me feel like I could possibly escape and maybe have a perfect life one day. I saw her in that life.

I rub my eyes a couple of times to try to stop crying but I can't.

I eventually end up crying myself to sleep.

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