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Avons POV:

As I walk to the exit doors, Vasco and Haymitch are already there.

"Now darlings. Keep your head up, smile, and make them fall in love." She smiles.

"Look at you. You clean up nice." Haymitch slurs.

"I bet you would too if you brushed your teeth and took a bath." I say sarcastically.

"Ew. Total fireside. I didn't know you were feisty."

I smirk. I'm not. But, I guess I can be now.

The doors open to reveal a crowded area filled with overdressed women and eager men.

I've never seen anything like this. I can tell the look on my face does not show pleasure.

"Smile." Effie whispers.

I force my lips to smile even though you can obviously tell it's fake.

"Avon!" People yell.

I'm not used to this so of course this makes me feel uncomfortable.

We walk through the small barriers and into a building.

The building was made of black granite and it had flowers everywhere. Peacekeepers came and escorted us to where the chariots are.

I'm filled with eager as we approach a crowd of people in ridiculous costumes. It's the other tributes.

All of this is chaotic.

"This way." Effie points to an empty chariot that has the number 5 engraved on the side.

"This is your chariot. The parade will start in approximately six minutes and thirty four seconds. Smile and chins up my darlings." Says Trinket.

Vasco gets on the chariot and practices his smile for the parade. I gawk at him.

"Are you nervous?" Haymitch asks.

"Not really. I think I'm just annoyed." I tell truthfully.

"Why is that? Oh, is it because of pretty boy?" He says pointing to Vasco.

"Partly him. Mostly everything else." I sigh.

"It's okay to be frustrated. You're only fourteen. I honestly think it's ridiculous." He says truthfully.

"Haymitch!" A voice calls from behind me. I don't turn around to the voice. Instead, I turn around to look at the horses.

"They truly are beautiful aren't they?" Says a voice behind me. By its raspy sound I can tell it's a man.

I turn around to see a guy with beach blonde hair and sea green eyes.

"Yeah.." I trail off and turn back around to them. He walks beside me and pets one of them.
I'm trying to think of his name because I know I have seen him before.

"I'm Finnick by the way." He says out of no where.


"Avon. I know." He finishes for me.

Things get awkward for a minute until I hear very loud crunching in my ear.

"Want a sugar cube?" He offers.

"Aren't those for the horses?" I ask.

"So." He laughs. I take his offer and out one in my mouth. To my surprise. They are actually good.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"Not bad." I smile. "What's your last name?" I ask.

"Odair. I'm a mentor." He states.

"Which district?"

"Four." He answers.

"How old are you may I ask?"

"I'm currently 17."

There is a brief pause for a moment.

"Were you shocked when you heard your name called at the reaping?" He asks.

"Yeah. I guess I was. I was only put into the reaping three times. I still don't know how I could have gotten picked."

He looks at me for a second them looks around to see if anyone else is looking. He leans close to my ear.

"Maybe more than three." He says and walks off.

What does that mean? I ponder my thoughts until I'm snapped out of it by Haymitch.

"Okay sweetheart get on the chariot and smile your face off." He tells me.

I hop on the chariot with Vasco and turn to look at Haymitch.

"You've got this." He states.

I pop my knuckles and feel eyes on me. My brown orbs met his sea green eyes and he looked away quickly.

I wonder what's with him. I grab onto the bar as we start moving.

The parade begins and I'm now the center of attention with Vasco.

Finnicks POV:

"I can't believe Snow did this. He made it so she would be picked and now she doesn't even stand a chance!" I yell to Haymitch.

"I know. I know." He sighs.

"No, Haymitch you don't. The rest of the tributes are careers. You can't tell me that that wasn't a coincidence."

"I know he did this all on purpose. He's just scared of her that's all. She's smart."

"Haymitch, she has to know."

"They put her through the intelligence test and she surpassed every other person ever. It was the highest score. So he wanted to put her into the arena."

I instantly got an idea.

"She needs to train." I state.

"And I'll do that Prince Charming. Calm down. I know you have an eye for her. Anyone can see that."

"She's fourteen." I roll my eyes.

"You and I know age doesn't matter." He says.

"It doesn't matter anyways! All I know is, she's coming out of that arena without a scratch. I'm making sure of it."

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