ImmortalFox: Plans For Another Day BoyxBoy (ch2)

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Aleks' POV :

" Aleks when have I ever lied to you before" he says making an serious face. I just give him the are you serious right now face. "Ok ok......I do lie sometimes, but I'm not lying this time I swear I have the messages and phone calls to prove it" his face looking genuine. " o-OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIVE THIS " I yell a big smile tugging its way up my face. He lets out a small giggle at my reaction and says "yep so get packing and ill pick you up Wednesday and - " I cut him off " whoa whoa sly wait a minute I haven't even asked my parents if I can, because Im sure my parents won't be ok with me just moving high schools" I say a slight frown popping up on my face at the thought of them saying no. "Well go ask then silly butt" he says giggling like crazy. °3°

I wish I had parents as understanding as Eddie's, I'm still to afraid to tell them I'm gay. Lets see how this goes. "Ok I'll text you what they say in a bit" I wave then hang up the call. I get up and walk down the stairs. "Hey mom, can I ask you something?" I ask as I spot them in the living room. "What is it honey?" She ask with worry. "No mom it's not bad don't worry, I was wondering if I could go live with a bunch of my friends in their house" I say as I shift nervously. "Oh yeah that's fine sweetheart" my mom says with cheer, her eyes lighting up.

(Let's just take a break here, I know their Russian but I don't speak Russian nor do I know how to read it so I won't be able to write Russian stuff so don't be mad if I say stuff in English and then I say he rambled in Russian ex: "I can believe what you've done" I rambled off in Russian.....ok so don't hate me. Can't say no to this face °3° any ways back to da story my Buds.)

"Really thanks so much I love you guys" I say as I pull my parents in for a hug. "I'm proud of you son" my dad says as he pats my back. "So when are you leaving" my dad asks. " um Wednesday" I recall. "Ok well no time to waist lets go pack you up sweety" my mom chirps as she grabs my hand and starts pulling me up the stairs.

°3° Mãgìć Tįmę Škîp°3° ~3 hours later~

We pack the last of my belongings and I place the box down next to my suit case and other boxes. My mom leaves to make dinner as I lay down on my striped bed and whip my phone out, to text Eddie.

Aleks:to Eddie> hey my mom and dad were ok with it and I finish packing :)

Eddie:to Aleks> yay now I'm even more excited and btw ill be there early on Wednesday maybe 7ish if that's ok

Aleks:to Eddie> yeah that's fine I gtg my moms calling me down for dinner

Eddie:to Aleks> ok see yah later homie :)

I shut my phone and get up walking down the stairs to the dining room. When I sit down my mom hands me a plate and we eat in silence for awhile, not an awkward silence but a nice peace full silence. "So son we have something of our own to share with you. Your grandma has fallen ill so your mom and I are going to move back to Russian to take care of her. We understand your happy to move in with your friends but your always welcome to come to Russian to visit", my dad says looking at me. I nod for him to continue. "Your mom and I want you to do your best in school and try to stay out of trouble", "and know that we love you very much, and that you can tell us any thing." , my mom cuts him off. He nods in agreement and I nod as well as a small tear makes its way down my face. "But lets not worry about that we still have each other for tomorrow, so lets stop our tears and finish this meal" , my dad says.

°3° Ãftęr Dîñńęr °3°

After dinner I head to my room and lay on the bed and fall asleep.

°3° Mågîć Dãÿ Śkīp°3°

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" I wake up to my alarm. I hit it and go into the joined bathroom to take a shower. I strip down and head into the nice warm water. After I take my shower I get up and dry off with a towel then I rap it around my waist as I get some cloths out f my suit case. I put on a blue Transformers shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans, as well as slipping on my shoes and take my stuff down stairs. I eat some cereal and watch TV, still half asleep when I hear the door bell. "DING DONG". I slowly make my way to the door and open it, to see a impossibly awake and hyper Eddie at my door step. I move out if the way and gesture him in. "MORNING ALEKS" he yells happily. "Hey Eddie" I say with a small smile. After Eddie and I put my last box in his truck we get in and he starts up the truck. The small kick of the air conditioner and the quite sound of the radio sooth me off to sleep again, as I slump against the window.

An/ hey little longer hu hu well that's because I noticed I had people who liked the book well thanks but still I'd don't want to write to much so share with your friends? Oh and come on Buds don't be shy comment vote please pm me do something so I know the book it good and I should continue. Well ill post some more later tonight or tomorrow. So see yah later °3°


ImmortalFox Plans For Another Day boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now