ImmortalFox:Plans For Another Day boyXboy (ch3)

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Eddies POV: As soon as we got in the car and headed off Aleks just falls to sleep. He looks so adora- wait what. EDDIE shut up your not gay, am i, no no i like girls. this internal fight caused me to almost swivel off the road. Oh god be more care full your gonna kill your self. While I'm driving and just thinking about all the fun we're gonna have, i hear a small whimper. i look over to Aleks for a second to see Aleks frowning and whimpering in his sleep. Should i wake him up it could be a nightmare, no i should see if it blows over maybe just a bad part in the dream.

I go back to the road driving but i almost crash when i get startled by Aleks crying out to me. "Eddie n-no you promised no matter what, please don't go no please" he said as he started crying. i cant watch him cry. I lean over and shake his shoulder to wake him up. " Aleks wake up its just a dream, wake up" . He lifts his head off the window and sits back looking around, wiping at his tears. "you ok man" i say keeping my eyes on the road. "yeah just had a nightmare s'all" he mumbles as he sits up.

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"come on Eddie let me drive you've been driving all day and I've been asleep i don't want to crash" he says for the 10th time." no its OK we're almost there and I'm not tired" i state "Eddie you were dozing off we could have crashed, please let me drive i know where the creature house is its fine come on" he pleads. " fine" i say as i pull over and get out as well as Aleks and switching seats. I fall asleep as soon as I'm buckled in, falling into a peace full dream.

Aleks POV:

we finally get to the creature house at 10:30 pm. I wake Eddie up and we take all our stuff up to our shared room and us both crashing on our beds almost instantly.

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I wake up and slowly trudge down the stairs to the kitchen where Dan and Jordan already are. "Morning guys" i say with a small wave i get a "morning" back. I just sit at the table, good thing the school we're going to does'nt start till tomorrow because I'm way to tired.

( so just in case you were wondering the school that Eddie and Aleks will be attending with the creatures was on spring break just so you know )

Soon we're joined by Sly and James, and a little later Seamus. "well now that we are all here i say we do a live stream to announce your arrival" Jordan says. There were some nods and "OK" 's. We make our way to the stream area and all sat down as Jordan set up the camera.

An/ i know this is short even if I got followers and 5 reads but I want to know that you guys like the book so why don't you tell me when your ready for more how about 2 votes and 1 comment °3° please Buds


ImmortalFox Plans For Another Day boyXboyWhere stories live. Discover now