And Along Came Ronan

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Hey guys! Finally out of hiatus! This one is the birth of baby Roo! Hope you enjoy! :3


Seto pouted as he sat on the couch, completely baffled by his belly.

It had been flipping and flopping all day, the bulge feeling like a swarm of butterflies were fluttering inside.

"Baby boy, why are you so squirmy today?" he muttered, rubbing the top of his tummy, crooning a little to his unborn child.

He got no response, only a small kick to his liver for the effort, and he huffed, picking up his phone and texting Brice to come help him up.

His due date was in two days, and he was huge, so huge in fact that it was a two man job just to get him off the sofa, as much as he was loathe to the notion.

Within minutes, his husband padded into the room, smiling fondly at the sight of Seto perched on the sofa, eyes wide with embarrassment and clutching his belly with a small wiggle that Brice knew meant he needed to pee.

"Need some help, babe?" he asked, lopsided smirk on his face as he held his hand out for the pouting sorcerer, who grumbled but took it anyway, Brice curling his arm around Seto once he stood to help steady him.

"Need to pee." he mumbled, cheeks stained red with a blush as Brice chuckled, helping him waddle to the bathroom, the sorcerer pouting the entire time as Brice hovered by he door with a smirk.

"I don't need you to watch me pee you jerk. Make me a sandwich." he scowled, lowering himself onto the toilet seat gingerly. He had been sitting since seven months, since he could no longer see the lower part of his body over his belly.

"Ok ok your majesty. Peanut butter and pickle sandwich coming up." he muttered, knowing his pregnant husbands unusual sandwich order by now. He'd stopped questioning his cravings three months ago.

Rolling his eyes as Brice left, smiling a little to himself, Seto allowed himself to relax, a little, doing his business as quick as possible.

He finished up, reaching for the toilet paper, when suddenly, as he stretched out his arm, he could feel a sudden drop in his tummy, and a splash, as a warm liquid gushed out of him and into the toilet bowl.

He froze, eyes wide as he stared down at himself, before taking a deep breath, clearing his throat.

"BRICE!!! MY WATERS JUST BROKE!!" Seto cried, taking more deep breaths to stop the rising panic welling inside him, arms curling his arms around his belly as he leaned forward, hearing rapid footsteps rush towards the bathroom.

Flinging the door open, a blonde head short inside, blue eyes wide as he took in the sight of Seto hugging himself.

"Shit, y-you're actually going into l-labour?!" he exclaimed, rushing to his husbands side, on hand resting on the small of his back, the other on top of his belly. Seto nodded, breathing under control now, as well as his panic.

"P-pass me t-that t-towel." he whispered, Brice handing him the bath towel as Seto stood gingerly, tucking it between his legs to soak up the fluid, using Brice's arm as support as they padded out of the bathroom, Brice setting Seto down on the sofa once they made it back to the living room.

"I'm calling Chase and Colin, sit tight baby. Have you had any contractions?" Brice asked steadily, knowing that if he freaked out then so would Seto. His husband took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

"I-I've had t-this w-weird cramping feeling all day i-in my tummy, b-but I thought it was just g-gas." he whispered, because actually, when he thought back on it, the 'gas' had been getting progressively worse as the day went on, throbbing a little, much like a contraction.

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