Chapter 8

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Jake's boat was a lot smaller than his Dad's. It was about half, to be exact.

Iris and I climbed abroad.

"Emily come here I want to show you something." said Jake from down the little stair case

I walked down the stairs to find Jake next to a big tub filled with water. It looked like an aquarium cage where they put fish on display.

At that thought I felt uneasy "What's that?"

Jake turned to face me "Well I know you can't stand be on land for very long so I built you this." he smiled

"Uh thanks Jake, but..."

Jake frowned "You don't like it?" he studied it for a second "Oh do you think....Emily I promise I won't do that ever to you. Ok?"

I nodded and smiled weekly.

"Hey if u still feel uneasy get Iris to come down and watch you." he shrugged passing me to get upstairs

"Wait." he turned around "Thanks Jake."

He smiled and shrugged "No biggie."

I laughed and walked over to the tank. I could feel the water calling me.

I stripped off my dress and climbed into the tank. Soon my bight blue tail showed itself.


I heard a groan coming from the top of the stairs, and then footsteps.

"You know you do have a voice." said Iris rubbing his temples

'Does this hurt?'

He winced in pain "Depends on how long we talk. The longer we talk easier it gets."

"Does it get any better, like when your near something or someone?" I said in my real voice now

He nodded "When I'm in water I have no pain no matter what. Even if I'm just touching the water with my finger it doesn't hurt."

I cocked my head to the side "Hmm water you say?"

He gave me an uneasy look, but nodded.

I grinned "Come in."

"I don't know. I haven't been in the water in a long time. Swimming wise."

'Come on!'

He held his head "Stop that!"

I smiled "Then get in stupid!"

He sighed, but made his way over to the tank, taking his shirt off in the process.

"Ok I'm here now what?" he said, he looked down at the water then up at me "If I start drowning you have to save me."

I chuckled "Just get in I want to see something."

Iris sat on the edge with his feet in the water and slid in. He gasped as he went under.

I chuckled and pulled him up "Stand up."

He did and smiled "I knew that."

I rolled my eyes "Sure you did."

I studied him for a few minutes, but nothing happened. Maybe I was wrong.

Just then his eyes began to glow. I looked down at his legs thinking his tail had appeared, but no tail.


"What?" he asked

"I thought for sure you would get a tail. Maybe I was wrong." I shrugged

"So that means I can get out now?" he asked me

I nodded

He literally jumped out and grabbed a towel Jake had set out for me.

"How come your afraid of water?" I asked it didn't make any sense water was a part of him, it's like he's afraid of himself

He shrugged "Even since you told me I was half merman. I started feeling uneasy about water."

"How so?"

"It feels like it will suck me up and drown me. It feels like I won't be able to fight it."

"Have you had dreams about this before?"

He shook his head "It's just a feeling."

"Iris...." I started "You know you can do magic right?"

He looked at me like be was going to start laughing at me.

"Think about it."

His face slowly changed from a smile to a frown "There were so cases were-but dad just told-" his face turned angry "There's another lie Dad told me."

I sighed "Iris. I think that he should've told you yes, but hating him will just make it worse. What if we died today? What if you never returned home? You wouldn't be able to say good-bye to him. Tell him sorry-"

"Sorry? I don't think he deserves my forgiveness." he said crossing his arms across his chest

I rolled my eyes "Iris stop being five and grow up!"

At first he looked hurt, but then angry, then hurt again "Emily I'm sorry. I....I just....I can't forgive him. At least not till we see Mom. I want to know the whole story form her. You've told me a lot, but I want it all."

I nodded "I understand."

He walked over to me so his face was inches from mine "Hey. I'm sorry. Truly and sincerely sorry."

I smiled "Thanks baby bro."

He chuckled "Baby bro?"

"Well you are!" I laughed

He rolled his eyes "I'm, like 3 feet taller than you."

I rolled my eyes "Your head is 3 sizes more than mine."

He huffed.

"Hey Emily if your ok, I need your help on finding this place." yelled Jake from upstairs

Iris helped me out of the tank and held out my dress and a towel, while he looked the other way.

I rolled my eyes "You can look now."

He chuckled and turned my way "Ok let's go rescue Mom."


"There it is!" yelled Emily pointing to a little beach off to the side. It all looked familiar to me.

"It should look familiar." smiled Emily "This is were you and I were born."


She nodded as Jake pulled us in a little closer.

"You can't go any farther. You'll run into the traps."

"What traps?"

"Magic traps, for boats. Just don't go any farther. I'll bring Mom up here ok?" Emily said going to the edge of the boat

"Your not doing this alone." I touched her shoulder "I'm coming with you."

"Iris, I can't watch you and me and Mom all at the same time. I'm sorry." she looked at the water then back at me "I'll call you if I get into trouble. Ok?"

I nodded "Alright. Promise?"

She nodded "Promise." and slipped into the ocean

This was mostly a filler. Next is the rescue :)

<3 Mell

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