Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Michelle Naef

Hey guys, so nobody answered me on my last note and I really wanted to know what you thought I should do. I'm going to continue don't worry. Oh so I have an idea for a new story, I don't think I'll post it till I finish this one but I'll post the description after the chapter along with my other 2 new books :) thanks!


We arrived back at California and we all piled out of the boat. Jake and I helped Mom and Emily and Clara carried our stuff.

"Are we going to Dad's house, Iris?" asked Emily said setting one of the bags down on the sand

I looked up at the sky trying to judge what time it was, it looked about 3.

"Yea, let's go." I said and Mom put her arm around Jake's and my shoulders "Mom are you sure your ok?"

She smiled "Yea I'm fine just really weak. I don't think you healed me all the way."

"Wait I healed you?" I asked in shock

She laughed and nodded "Yes you did."

I smiled "Cool." but then it fell "Wait what will happen to you then?"

She shook her head "I don't know."

I looked down at my feet, sadly.

"Hey." Mom smiled "Don't mope for me. Be happy. I get to see you and your father in 16 years."

"I know but-"

"No buts. Ok?"

I nodded


We arrived at my Dad's house.

I beamed "I'm so excited."

Iris chuckled "We can tell."

"Why are you excited Emmy?" Clara asked looking at me

"My Dad is in that house."

She looked at me weird "Dad?"

I shook my head remembering that she doesn't know about dads yet "Nevermind."

"Hey Emily" Iris called out "can you help please?"

I nodded, set my stuff down and ran over to help Mom as Iris got his key out and opened the door.

We helped Mom inside.

"Dad?" Iris called out "He might be out back." and he disappeared through the back door

Jake and I helped Mom to the couch and she laid down.

"Aunt Rachel do you want to play a game?" asked Clara kneeling in front of Mom

Mom smiled "Sure sweetheart."

Just then Jake pulled me around the corner and kissed me.

I pulled away and laughed "Miss me?"

He put our foreheads together "You have no idea."

I smiled and reached up and kissed him again. I depended the kiss by sliding my tounge across his bottom lip he gave me acsess to his mouth.

I was exploring his mouth with my tounge, when a throat was cleared.

I turned to glare at Iris.

He smiled and shrugged "You know if you don't want to stop kissing each other just glue your faces together."

I rolled my eyes "Your so imature."

"Hey I'm a guy what do you expect?" he chuckled "Oh I found Dad he's with Mom."

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