Chapter 27

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We flew to Florida. My dad and Kayla went home to California. Beau and Zoe also went with them. Jake and I had to come here. This is where the wand can be safe.

I called Her Majesty. We waited a few minutes and soon there was a head coming towards us.

She smiled at me and spoke without moving her lips, "It's good to see you again Iris."

"Wait. I thought you didn't-"

She shook her head, "I'm the Queen of the ocean. I know all. I let Rachel believe that I would kill you and your father because she would send you guys away, leaving us."

"Ok?" I said puzzled then Jake nudged me, "Oh. Here. I think this should stay with you. It's safer and away from human hands."

She smiled, "Thank you Iris."

I set it down in the water and she made it move toward her by using the waves.

"I have a very important question for you Iris." she said picking up the wand

I looked at her and waited for her to continue.

"Your baby will be a mermaid. She'll, of course be a half, but she will have a tail and all magical abilities that we have." she looked at me, "Do you wish this? That your child be at the slave of her tail like all of us?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "No."

She smiled, "For returning the wand I'll grant you one wish, anything you want. But remember what I just said."

I looked at Jake who just shrugged, "I can wish my daughter not to have a tail?"

She nodded, "Just say the word and I'll make it so."

I thought for a moment, what will be better for my child?

"I guess I wish it."

"Are you sure?" she said holding her hand that was glowing, "You can't change it once it's done."

I nodded surly, "Yes I wish it."

She smiled and snapped her fingers, "Your baby girl is now mortal. Thank you Iris for saving the Universi Virga."

"I didn't", I paused and smiled, "Emily did."

"Ah Emily. Where is she?" Her Majesty asked looking around

I looked over at Jake who kicked the sand looking down.

"She's gone. John killed her." I said my voice cracking a little

The Queen smiled, "Oh dear boy, she's not gone, and neither is your Mom. They're watching over us this very minute and they wish you good luck on your joinery through life."

I smiled a side smile, "I know, Emily told me."

"Well good-bye little hero. I hope we see each other real soon." she disappeared back into the water

"So that's it?" Jake asked

I sighed and looked across the ocean, the one I was born in and said, "Yea I guess it is."


Tada! I'm done! Did you like it? I hope everyone did. I'm sorry it took so long but here it is.

I only have one other story I'm working on so I might start a new story. What do you think? Heres my idea:

When 2 Worlds Collide

Daniella is the daughter of two rich doctors. She lives in a huge house and has maids, butlers, and cooks to wait on her every need. Life is perfect for her right? If you call a huge empty house when your parents are never home and you're alone most of the time. Who wouldn't want that kind of life?

Noah's family has always had either average to very little. His father works two jobs. His mom is the best, but she can't work. He has twin siblings who are younger than him plus one that's younger still. Him and his family are very close, but is that enough to get through another year?

What will happen when these two meet? What will they learn from each other? A lot more than you think.


The Jock and the Nerd

Natalie has always been a nerd. She gets good grades, and has been going through high school unnoticed. No one knows much about her because she only talks to one person. No one knows why she's so quiet. No one knows why she is the way she is, but a loud, popular, know-it player named E.

E (Elliot) is and always been a jock. His girl friend of two years, but it seems that she has a spell on him that won't let him see anything around him, including her cheating on him right in front of him. Who better to help him turn around his life, then a nobody nerd. What will happen when these two meet? Will Natalie open up? Will E turn his life around?

Or (last one):

Jar of Hearts

Annabella, Anna, had to sell her soul to the Heart Stealer in order to save her boyfriend's heart. How does he repay her? By leaving her for someone else. Now she's stuck stealing hearts from people, killing them. After her boyfriend's betrayal she didn't trust anyone. She ran away from home because she didn't trust her parents, the only one she can barely trust is her little brother, Austin. But that's all about to change when a new kid shakes her world and makes her feel like he knows what she is, a Heart Stealer. She decides that he knows too much and needs to be 'taken care of', but he's too smart for her and soon she's falling head over heals for him, but will the demon who owns her allow it?

So tell me what you think xD

<3 Mell

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