Chapter 19

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Hey! This is going to be another back and forth POV so try to keep up ;) O and two cool surprises :)

<3 Mell


I was cuddling with Kayla in our room, watching a movie. Kayla suddenly jumped up from the bed and into the bathroom.


I heard her get sick and ran to pull the hair out of her face. She stood up and washed her mouth out and went back to the bed.

"Sorry. I've been sick the past few days." she smiled at me and patted the bed beside her

I had a weird feeling about this, but decided to let it go for now and enjoy the movie, until it happened again.

"Baby, are you sure you're ok?" I asked her while she was rinsing her mouth out

She sighed "Maybe I'm.....Na."

"You're what?"

She looked down, walked out of the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed.

I kneeled in front of her taking her hands "Kayla talk to me. Please."

"I'm going to be right back. I have to.....go get something." she stood up and hurried out the door


I was sitting in the library reading a book when I saw Kayla heading out the door.

"Hey!" I called out to her

She stopped and turned to me her eyes riming with tears.

"Oh Kayla, what's wrong?" I stood up and ran up to her "Is it Iris? Did he do something?"

She shook her head "Emily I need to go get something. Would you come with me?"

I nodded "Sure what do you need?"

She paused for a second then spoke "A.....pregnancy test."

"You think you are.....?"

She shook her head "I have to see. I don't know."

I looked at her "If you are pregnant, then that mean you could have a mermaid."

She covered her mouth with her hand "But I'm no-"

"Doesn't matter. But also since Iris is only half mermaid-well merman you could just have a regular baby in there." I smiled at her "Come on let's go."

Kayla smiled "Thanks so much Emily."

I nodded "Come on."


I heard the door open softly. I jumped up to greet Kayla, but my smile fell when I saw what was in her hands.

"What's that?"

She looked down at the white stick in her hands "Iris.....this is hard to say....."

I waited for her to continue.

"I'm...." she took a shuttered breath "I'm pregnant."

My heart stopped "What?"

"Please don't make me say it again." she mumbled and showed me what she was holding. It was a pregnancy test with a little pink plus on it.

"But how-"

"Don't ask me bow it happened because that is the dumbest question to ask right now." she snapped at me

"I'm sorry?"

She shook her head and looked up at me she looked like she was about to cry. I wrapped her in my embrace "Sh. We can get through this. We both can."

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