Chapter 10

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"Isn't there something you can do?" I asked Jake as he set Mom on his bed

He looked at me sadly and shook his head "I'm sorry, Emily, I can't."

I sighed and looked down at my hands "It's ok."

Jake kneeled in front of me "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything."

I smiled a little at him "It's ok."

"Are you all right?"

I shook my head letting the tears fall. He wrapped me in his strong arms as I cried.

"I could've saved her." I sobbed "I was right there watching everything, but I was such a coward."

Jake pulled away and stared at me with his blue eyes "It's not your fault, Emily. Don't you ever think that. The only one who should feel guilty here is that queen person."

I nodded slowly as he brushed away some tears with his thumb.

"I love you Emily." he said looking straight into my eyes

I smiled, that was the first time he said that to me.

"I love you too." I said

He leaned in and be kissed me with all the tenderness in the world, like he was afraid to break me. I could stay wrapped I his arms forever, kissing him, but he pulled away.

I frowned. He chuckled at my reaction then looked behind me. I did too and there stood Clara.

"Hey." I smiled at her

She smiled back, she knew what happened and she was sad, but more sad for me because she didn't know Mom that well. Even tho we are cousins we are not blood related.

Aunt Emma adopted Clara when she was 3. Aunt Emma found Clara at an orphanage and fell in love with her the first day she saw her. She was put there by her mom because she couldn't take care of her. Aunt Emma soon adopted Clara and now she's a mermaid. She's grown more beautiful every single day.

She smiled back "Are ok Emmy?"

I chuckled "Yes, but I could use a hug."

She ran over to me and hugged me tight "It's ok Emmy. Everything gonna be ok."

I smiled at her "You think so?"

She nodded.

"I'll hold you to it." Clara always knows how to make me feel better

"You wanted me up here?" she asked

I smiled and called to Iris.

"Emily!" Iris's deep voice rang through the boat "Please stop."

'Get up and come here.'

Mintues later Iris emerged "What do you want."

"Someone wants to meet you." I smiled standing up

Clara peeked around from behind me and looked up at Iris.

"Clara, this is your cousin Iris. Iris this is Clara."

Clara scrunched up her noes "What kind of name is Iris?"

I chuckled looking at my brother "It's pretty don't you think?"

Iris groaned "Please don't say it's pretty."

I shrugged "Well it is. What do you think Clara?"

She shrugged as she coward behind me. I rolled my eyes "I thought you wanted to meet him?"

She looked up at me and shook her head.

"Can I go now?" Iris wined

I nodded as I took Clara back outside.

"We have to go now Clara. Ok?" I said setting her in the water

She nodded "Will you come back for me?"

"Of course."

She smiled and waved good-bye right before she dove under the blue ocean.


I don't know how long I was asleep when the boat roared to life again.

I sat up and rubbed my hand over my face. Everything seemed so peaceful, almost like it was mocking me. Why can't the world be misrable? Because she died, the one person that I needed died.

I wiped away my tears. Stop crying! Your acting like a chick. I smiled at that thought and walked up stairs to Mom's body.

I kneeled before her.

"Mom...." it was so weird calling someone that "I need to know. Did you really give me up because of danger?"

I closed my eyes to trying to block the tears that were forming, to not leak out.

"Mom, I have so many questions about me....about Emily. How do I fit in? Will Dad and I have to move again?" I question "Mom please I need you so bad right now."

Just then a tear slipped under my eyelid and fell onto her chest.

I layed my head down on the edge of the bed and cried quietly. Suddenly I heard a cough.

My head dartted up as I watched Mom's eyes flutter open.

Even tho it hurt I called to Emily.

'Emily get down here now!'

Mom looked around confusion clouded her face, until her green eyes met mine.

"Iris?" she asked she lifted her hand to touch my cheek "Your here?"

I nodded "Mom your alive."

Just then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"What's wrong-" Emily froze when she saw Mom "Mom?"

Mom smiled at her.

"Mom!" she ran over to her giving her a hug "I-I- thought you were dead."

"You can't get rid of me that easy." Mom replied smirking

I chuckled and looked at my mom "Mom..."

She smiled at me and hugged me tight "My baby boy. I'm so happy to see you. I didn't want you or your father to leave me, but it was for the best."

"I know." I mumbled into her neck "I saw it."

She pulled away "What?"

"I saw it, the night you let Dad and I go to California."

She gave me a puzzled look then looked at Emily "You weren't there even as a baby so....who was that vision from?"


I watched them trough the window listening to their conversation.

"...then who did?" asked Rachel

I smiled to myself. They will find out soon who I am, and believe me they will pay....


Hey! Ok so who do you think is at the end? Hmm. Please comment :)

Tomorrows my birthday so I wont upload till maybe Sunday? Idk yet.


<3 Mell

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