Chapter 16

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I watched the paramedics wheeled Iris out on a gurney and into an ambulance.

I turned to where my father was sitting, but to only find an empty seat.

"Where did he go?" I asked as Jake came up behind me

"I don't think that was him." he placed his hand on my shoulder "I think it was my Dad."

I turned to look at him "But how....magic?"

He nodded then got a mad look on his face "We need to learn more about my Maris Hosti powers. Maybe even how protect us from them."

I nodded in agreement as he continued "I know somebody too that can help us. Her son and I used to be best friends, that is until we moved to California."

"Where are they now?"


I nodded "We need to leave right away, as soon as Iris can."

He walked out to Iris's car "Come on."

I jumped in and we drove off.


I was sitting in a chair in the waiting room at the hospital, when a wave of weakness fell over me.

"Come on just need to make sure Iris is ok, then I can go and swim." I mumbled to myself

Just then the doctor came over to me.

"Hi are you Iris's sister?" he asked

I nodded "Is he going to be ok?"

The doctor smiled "He's going to be fine, we just want to keep him a few days. I'm glad you called, any later he probably wouldn't be breathing right now."

"Can we see him?" I asked standing up

The doctor nodded "Sure, but he's not awake right now."

I smiled "Thanks."

I grabbed Jake's hand and headed to Iris's room. We found it and peered inside.

Iris had his eyes closed, but his chest was going up and down. He was hooked up to an IV and there were a few monitors around him, that were connected to wires that were poking out form underneath his gown.

I turned to Jake "Will you stay here in case he wakes up? I need to swim, but I'll be back as soon as I can."

Jake nodded and pressed his lips to mine "Ok bye I'll look out for him don't worry."

I chuckled "Oh I do worry."

I walked out of tue room and into the hall were I ran into someone.


I looked up into blue eyes they were so familiar "Daddy it's you! Really you." I hugged him "It was horrible this guy came and poisoned Iris and he used magic to look like you...."

He kissed my forehead them frowned "Sweetheart you're warm."

"I know I was on my way out to swim now. Are you going to see him?"

He nodded "Yea I'm on my way now."

"Good." I pulled away from him "Ok well I'll see you in a few minutes."

He nodded and we went our separate ways.


I could breath normally now. I just focused on my breath. In. Out.

Then I slowly opened my eyes to see Emily sitting next to me with her head on my bed, her hair looked wet, good because I wouldn't want her to dry out because if me.

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