Chapter 12

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"So why did you have to leave town again?" asked Kayla

We were sitting watching TV. Kayla was in my lap smiling at me. Across the room Emily and Jake sat sleeping soundly.

"I found my mom."

Her eyes went wide "You did!? Where is she?"

"" the sharp pain came, I was starting to get used to those

'Don't!' said Emily in my head

I looked toward Emily, her eyes were still closed but slowly a smile crept onto her face.

'I'm not deff.'

I chuckled out loud, forgetting Kayla was here.

"What's so funny?" she asked tilting her head to the side

I shook my head "Nothing."

"Oh...ok so where is she?"

I bit the inside of my lip "She's...she's gone."

Emily's head snapped up and sent me a death glare.

"What but how?"

"She was dead before I got there." I mumbled looking down

I felt Kayla's lips against mine, comforting me "It's ok. I'm sorry about your mom. I know how much she ment to you."

I smiled and stroked her cheek "I love you."

"I love you too."

Emily got up and walked over to me "Iris can I talk to you?"

I nodded and followed Emily into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?"

She paced the kitchen "We still have a major problem. I can't stay on land for much longer. I can feel my energy draining, but if I go into the ocean Her Majesty will pull me back to Florida."

"What do we do?" I asked worried. If Emily doesn't get water soon she'll dry and wither away

She shrugged "I have no idea. I need salt water so I can't go into the bath-"

"That's it! The tank that Jake built we could use that." I smiled

Her frown began to turn upside-down "Iris. I love you!"

I chuckled "Anything big sis."

She ruffled my hair and skipped out calling for Jake. I groaned and patted down my hair.

Emily left with Jake and it was just Kayla and I.

"So what do you want to do?" asked Kayla with a gleam in her eye

I smiled and scooped her up taking her to my room.


I had the strange feeling of being watched. I turned around every minute.

"Babe chill. I'm right here to protect you." smiled Jake wrapping his strong arms around me

I kissed the bottom of his chin "I know I'm just being paranoid."

We walked to his boat and Jake led the way down the stairs, when he stopped.

"Jake? What's wrong?" I whispered to him

"Go back up the stairs now! Now!" yelled Jake

I turned to leave when a voice so cold and so dreaded pounded to my ears.

"Oh Emily. I wouldn't do that if I were you."

I peered over Jake's shoulder to see a man that had short gray hair and a scar down his right eye.

"Oh Jake I'm glad you could do your chorus." he smiled at Jake "Well done."

I looked at Jake horrified as he smiled back "It's ok this one was easy."


He turned to look at me his eyes weren't the peaceful blue I've learned to love. They were cold and icy.

Suddenly hands grabbed me from behind and a sharp pain in my neck. Suddenly I couldn't move as the person through me over his shoulder and walked out. That's when my world turned black.


"Jake." I mumbled sleepily and then I sat upright "Jake!"

I placed my hand on my beating heart and looked around everything was dark. I couldn't see anything.

Just then a door opened and a figure stepped in, they flicked on the lights and I could see Jake's father in front of me.

"Come on your awake." he growled and picked me up by my hair

I screamed and tried to contact Iris, but I couldn't get through.

Jake's dad laughed "Don't bother it's no use, just like escaping. You'll be dead before you even reach the door."

I blinked back the tears that were forming.

"That's right save your tears, we will need them later."

He threw my in a another room and locked the door. I huddled in the corner and pulled my legs to my chest.

'Please Iris I need you. Please hear me. Please.'

I lay down on the cool metal in a ball and fell asleep.


Hey! So here you go. If you don't know how the guy is I'll tell you. Just one hint, if u don't realize who it is then go read the first chapter of In Love With A Human again. :) So there's 3 guys Jake, Jake's dad, and the Scar man. So tell me what you think what will happen to Emily?


Oh one more thing! Here's a taste if Hotel of Hell:


"Leila get up." whispered a small voice "Rick's coming."

I opened my eyes and bolted into the shower. Why didn't my alarm go off?

I was almost done when the bathroom door slammed opened and I was dragged out by my hair. He trough me on the bed.

"What time did I tell you to be ready?" Rick growled at me

"E-e-eight." I stuttered

"That's right and what tome is it now?"

I looked at the clock but he grabbed my face and faced me toward him.

"It's 8:05." he smacked me hard "When I tell you to be ready I want you to be on time." he turned around and faced the rest of the girls "Everyone has clients today." and stormed out

Gracie ran up to me and wrapped me up in a towel, covering my body. She rubbed my arms "I tried to wake you, but you were dead to the world. I'm sorry."

I nodded and stood up, walking to the closet. I pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt.

Gracie took my hand "Come on."

We headed down the stairs. Welcome to hell.....


tell me what u think Plez :)

<3 Mell

The Son of a MermaidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora