Chapter 21

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"Alright now breath deep and clear your mind. Just concentrate to the sound of my voice." Kyle said looking at me intently.

I closed my eyes and followed his instructions.

"Good." I heard him say "Now look deep inside yourself, feel the energy inside of you."

I did exactly as he said "Ok."

"Now open your eyes and stand up, but don't lose that feeling of energy."

I stood up and looked into Kyle's green eyes "Ok. Now what?"

He took my arm and held it up pointing my hand at the tree in front of us "Now concentrate and fire."

A blue light shot out from my finger tips and onto the tree, making 5 slash marks.

I smiled up at Kyle "That was amazing!"

Kyle chuckled "That's nothing."

He twirled his fingers and all of a sudden a deep blue rose appeared in his hand "For you."

I grinned uneasily "Thank you."

Kyle nodded "No problem. Iris is next."

Kyle decide that Iris could learn too. Kayla didn't have magic so she couldn't do anything, and then Kyle and Jake both hated each other so they couldn't be on the same room together, let alone work together.

"I'm here." called Iris coming up behind me

Kyle nodded "I'm going to explain what I told Emily this morning. I don't know much about mermaid powers, but I do know mermaids, with the proper training, can use Maris Hosti powers."

Iris nodded and rubbed his hands together "Ok let's go."

Kyle chuckled and sat on the grass. He motioned us to do the same, even though I've done this already.

"Iris clear your mind and focus on my voice." he began, soon Iris was all 'juiced up' and ready to go

"Why don't we use words?" he asked looking at his own slash marks that he made on the tree next to mine.

"Thoes are spells, they're more powerful. They can do a lot more damage. Like...." Kyle looked around and spotted a log "Ignis."

Suddenly the long burst into a giant flame.

"Extinguere." he commanded and the log's flame went out instantaneously "That's not even that powerful. You can command people, you can kill a person slowly, you can even make yourself invincible."

"Cool." Iris smiled nodding his head.

"Ok I'll show you the one I just did." he said "Ok think about what you want to do and just say 'ignis'."

I cleared my mind and concentrated on the log "Ignis."

A medium sized flame sparked up from the log. I smiled at it and looked at Kyle for approval.

"Great now put it out by doing the same thing, except now you're saying 'extinguere'."

I looked at the log and said "Extinguere."

The flame flickered, but was still there.

"It's ok try again." Kyle smiled

I took a deep breath and narrowed my eyes at it, "Extinguere."

It slowly went out with a poof.

"That was so cool. Now me!" Iris smiled bouncing up and down like a little kid

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