Chapter 3~nice to meet you

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I was walking down the path passing railroad tracks going further from Kenny's house and of course it started to snow "great" I mumbled under my breath looking at the sky, the sky was a beautiful blue it reminded you of Kenny's eyes strange "oh well" you said while the wind just took your words through the cold air.

you have been walking to quite some time not knowing where to go or what to do, your parents came to your mind but you don't know how to even find them hopefully their here you thought to yourself.

you walked for a little longer until your feet became tired, while you were walking you remembered coming across a coffee shop and it wasn't that far "a rest won't matter I'll find them when I'm done with a small break" you thought to yourself while turning on your heels to head to the coffee shop this will be fun huh?

once you got into the coffee place you asked a man at the counter for coffee he of course gave it to your and you payed him "thanks" you said more of a mumble then loud but he must have heard you because he gave a small nod.

after getting your coffee you sat at a table and looked outside the snow was coming down a little harder and it was becoming hard to see out "great" you said with a long sigh.

you finished your coffee and went to leave but as you were heading out someone hit into you and you got hit into the ground "oh god I'm sorry" the voice seemed worried and held a hand out for you which you gladly took "no problem" you said looking up to become face to face with dark blue eyes "I'm (y/n)" you said holding your hand out "I'm Stan, nice to meet you" the so called Stan said taking your hand and shaking it he gave you a bright smile "you know it's cold out there right?" he asked with a tone that you couldn't quite understand "yeah but it's just a small bit of snow anyways I'm looking for someone" you said giving a tooth smile he gave a small chuckle "want some help?" he asked with a sweet tone in him, it made you think "sure" you said smiling warmly which made him return it.

you guys have been searching for awhile but nothing he showed you around a little but not a lot while you guys were searching "still not who you are looking for huh" Stan said with a long sigh you turned your attention to him giving him a sorry look "I'm sorry Stan I made you help me for nothing" you said looking away once he looked at you "don't worry about that listen how about you come to my house and we can play some video games?" Stan asked holding out his hand you slowly took it into yours wearily of him because you just met but still did "Okay I guess" you responded slightly smiling.

you guys walking all the way to Stan's house and once you got there he let go of your hand it was like a warm space gone it made you feel very sad but when you got into the door a new kid came up he had red hair and- your thoughts were inturupted by Stan telling him to go "Hi I'm Kyle" ignoring Stan and holding a hand out for you which you gladly took "nice to meet you I'm (y/n)" you said smiling but before you could talk anymore Stan grabbed onto him and pushed him out the door "see yeah" was the last thing you heard then the door was shut and Stan vanished into his room "Stan?" you questioned about to go up the staircase "one second (y/n)!" he called back fumbling with things in his room "alright" you said taking a seat on the couch looking around.

(sorry this wasn't the best quotev deleted the one I made earlier so this was the best filler I could make with the gap between the 2 chapters)

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