Loki Attacks Again

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You sat up suddenly, panting from the intensity of your nightmare. Loki was in it, the same Asgardian god that had attacked before, resulting in New York being destroyed. And he was coming back.

You got up and got dressed, pulling your (h/c) hair back and grabbing your gloves, slipping them on as you ran out the door.

"Jarvis! Wake the others!" You yelled.
"Right away, (Y/n)," came Jarvis' reply. An alarm immediately sounded.

A few minutes later, all of the Avengers were gathered in a conference room, outfits hastily thrown on and still rubbing sleep from their eyes. "So, (Y/n)," Tony said yawning. "What was so important?"

You hesitated. This had seemed a lot easier to do in your head. "Um...I-I had another vision," you stuttered, kind of quiet. There was silence as you shared with them your nightmarish vision. "Loki's coming back, and you-well, all of us, will be powerless to stop him," you finished.

Natasha walked over to you and put her hands on your shoulders. "Are you sure it was a vision and not just a crazy dream?" She asked, not unkindly. You pulled away annoyed, clenching your fists to stop them from busting into flame. "I think I would know the difference, Romanoff," you said blankly.

"Okay, so what do we do?" Clint asked, heading off a fight between the tired female members on the team. You shrugged. "It's up to you guys; I'm just a newbie." There was a lot of shrugging. "That fact does not matter Lady (Y/n)," Thor said. "You are able to save us from this occurrence, I am sure." You scoffed. "Okay. Sure. Whatever." So, you proceeded to tell them about an idea you had. Everybody agreed and you all separated to prepare for the inevitable fight looming.


A couple of days later, Loki arrived. He was too smart to arrive physically but everybody knew when he had shown up, feeling their powers or abilities drain from them. For some, it was worse than others. You couldn't have cared less; you were used to not having powers, seeing as your fire ones destroyed everything.

Loki waltzed into the small training room where all of the Avengers were gathered, obviously expecting chaos. What he saw caught him completely by surprise.

Instead of chaos or destruction, Loki was greeted by the sight of everybody standing waiting for him, different weapons held casually in their hands. "Welcome," you said mockingly, gripping your knives tighter. Everybody else had stone faces and slowly encircled Loki as he just stared in shock. Thor took him in custody and you couldn't help but say, "Hope you enjoyed your visit." as he left.

"Well, another catastrophe diverted," Tony said clapping you on your shoulder, standing in his suit. You looked around and saw everybody else training or using their powers/abilities once again. "Looks like our powers are back," you said in response, looking down at your hands. Tony nodded then left to go fly around. You took off your gloves and put them down before letting your hands catch on fire. You hated to admit it but, you enjoyed having the flames back.

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