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This is with all of the Avengers and I have no idea how this will play out so please bear (bare??) with me.

You sat at a table outside of a cafe across the street from the Avengers Tower. In your hands was a mug of hot apple cider and you slowly took a sip as you inspected the tall building you were planning on robbing.

Now, normally you wouldn't even try going for this big of a target, I mean come on, it was the Avengers you were trying to rob, but desperate needs called for desperate measures. Your sisters' failing health and taken a turn for the worse and your parents didn't have the money to pay for the operations she needed to survive. So, you had taken up the art of thievery.

You had always had quick fingers, and even faster legs. You knew when it was time to run and when it was time to fight. You knew which pockets or purses were worth picking and which weren't. It was your skill, and sometimes you hated it. Thievery came as a second nature to you.

But the money from picking pockets wasn't going to be enough to save your sister; there just wasn't enough time. And nobody was stupid enough to put hundreds of dollars in their pocket or bag, unfortunately for you. You had already robbed a band earlier in the week, and had kind of failed.

You thought back to that day, forgetting why you weren't at the hospital for a moment.

You had spent all day at the bank, observing the security changes and the cameras. You knew exactly where you were going to strike and how, you just had to wait for the right time.

An hour after closing, you walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to the nearest vault. You inspected the dial for a minute and, knowing the code, reached out to unlock it. Unfortunately for you, the dial also had a fingerprint scanner, something you didn't see. And the alarm went off as soon as you touched it.

Muttering curses under your breath, you had turned and sprinted out of the building, right by a few of the guards.

The incident had been on the news the next day and they had called you 'The Observer.'

'What a stupid name,' you thought, ducking down a bit further in your jacket. ''The Observer...' who came up with that?!' But you knew that you had been seen and recognized, which was probably why the name had been given to you.

But enough with the memories. You had a job. Right here. In the present. You shook your head and went back to inspecting--observing--the Tower.

Within a few minutes, long enough for you to finish you cider, you knew how and when you would go in. You just hoped that you'd be able to get in and out quickly without being caught.

*That Night*

You landed silently on the roof of the tower and stood still, listening for any movement from below. Nothing. So, you started slowly for the roof access door. Carefully, you pushed it open, just enough for you to slide through.

After making sure nobody had heard you, you started down the stairs to where you knew Tony Stark's valuables were kept. You thought your entrance had been had forgotten about JARVIS.

*Skip to Tony*

"Mr. Stark, I believe that there is somebody on the roof," JARVIS said in his quiet British voice.

Tony looked up from the suit he was working on. "I'm sure it's just one the others, JARVIS."

"I don't believe you have a (your age) year old girl on your team, sir."

That made Tony pay attention. "Get the others up. I might need help."

"Of course sir."

*Back to You*

You crept down one more flight of stairs and froze. Were those...footsteps? And were they coming towards you? Oh crap.

Quickly, you looked over at the floor number. 18. There were about 25 floors. You were in trouble now. There was no way you could make it back up to the roof in time and no way that you could get hidden in time either.

The footsteps got closer. Crap crap crap. You silently sighed and ran up to the closest landing, preparing for a fight.

Steve Rogers, more commonly known as Captain America, turned the corner at the bottom of the stairway and looked up at you. 'You lose,' you thought to yourself. Steve brought his hand up to his ear. "I found her. Stairway, 19th floor." He said it quietly but his voice still echoed. Your bad situation had just gotten worse.

Without really thinking that this guy was SO much bigger and stronger than you, you flew down the stairs and attacked him. You got in a few solid punches and a kick or two before he realized what was happening and started to fight back. It was obvious to you that he was holding back but you were still hard pressed; the only people you had ever fought were street thugs who were usually half drunk. Fighting a super soldier was a new experience.

You heard the door at the top of the stairwell open and glanced that way, barely missing another one of Steve's punches. Clint Barton, or Hawkeye, stood at the top pointing an arrow between your shoulder blades; you could almost feel it. But you couldn't give up, you couldn't give in to them, too much was at stake. The life of your sister, your already stretched relationship with your parents, most likely your life too.

So, you did the only thing you knew to do. You ran.

Down the stairs and out a closed door. You barely missed tranquilizer darts being thrown your way and jumped over the red wisp things that tried to trip you. You saw Iron Man at the end of the hall and took a sudden right, down another hall to a window. You were almost there when a streak of blue and silver light went past you and suddenly there was a guy in front of the window. An undignified yelp made its way out of your mouth as you suddenly stopped, just barely not falling on your face. Within moments, you were surrounded.

Crap. Again. You should stick with picking pockets. You're apparently better at that.

"Well well. What do we have here?" You heard a cocky voice behind you say. You turned to see Tony Stark standing behind you smirking.

Hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, and walnuts.


Lol jk I'll probably do a part two...? If you guys think I should that is. (11:11 make a wish) I don't even know where this came from so I hope y'all enjoyed it.

Oh, and with the whole nut thing, it's something I got from a character in a series I read a while back and I absolutely love it. It's basically his way of swearing and since I don't works nicely.

Anyways, I'll try to update soon. Please request!!

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