Tony ~ #16

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"You fainted. Right into my arms. If you wanted my attention, you didn't have to go to such extremes."

{What if Tony is the one who fainted? First person} AlexanderRae

You've heard of Tony Stark right? Well what if I told you that there was somebody more famous, or maybe infamous is a better word, then him? You wouldn't believe me, right? Well let me tell ya something new.

My name is Samantha Myriad and I've been the most infamous person for nearly 20 years. You probably think I'm joking but I'm not. You heard about Ultron? You ever wonder where all of those metal bodies came from? Or how about the Maximoff twins that are now Avengers? Where did the idea of those experiments come from?

The answer to two of those questions is me. Most people don't realize that; they don't question Ultron's many bodies or who came up with the idea of powering people, they just accept them as facts. The bodies came from somewhere and HYDRA came up with the powering people idea.

People are so small minded.

Course, I've always been either anonymous or under some code name. Baron Strucker? Yeah, just a front. He was a person at some point but that was hundreds of years ago. And Ultron? Never a fan of that name. Sure, Ultron was actually a robot with a brain but I helped fund him, upgrade him, and the idea of destroying the world? The idea that humans needed to be protected by humans? Yeah that was mine.

Why am I telling you all this? Cause no matter how hard you try and convince people how horrible of a person I am, no one will believe you. They'll point to evidence suggesting that Baron Strucker was a real person, after all Ultron killed him. First of all, lies. Second, even if somebody important /did/ believe you, they'd never be able to find me.

And no, I won't explain. So there.

But we're not here for me to tell you my life story. No, you're here to hear about the time I met Tony Stark. You should've known this was coming cause I don't mention people without a reason cause I'm way too important and busy for that.

So, this is the story of the time I met Tony Stark. Enjoy.

It was a perfectly cloudy day in Gresham, Oregon. No rain and no sun, which was really my kind of weather. I was walking around in downtown with my head down, hood up when I noticed a huge commotion up ahead. In big cities, things like that don't draw anyone's attention but in a city like Gresham? It's kind of off the map so no one really goes there. Curious, I moved to the back of the crowd and peered around people's heads until I found the source.

My face contorted into a snarl at the sight of the man, taking the praise and adoration with a casual wave of his hand, his entire being snotty. Man did I wish I could get close enough to seriously mess up his life.

Something I forgot to mention earlier that you should know is that I detest killing people. That's assassins work and I'm not an assassin. I let them do my dirty work though, if I really do need somebody to die. Anyways...

Tony Stark. The man in a tin can that could fly. Ducking my head and sinking back further into my hood, I turned to leave but felt a tug on my sleeve. Clearing my face of emotion I turned to see a tall blonde man, well built and obviously missing his shield and tights.

"Miss," the Steve asked. "Do you know where someone could get ice cream around here?"

Oh thank goodness. He was only asking for directions. "There's a frozen yogurt place down the street," I said, gesturing that way. "Frenzi it's called. Really quite good."

"Thanks you, miss." 

Forcing a smile, I nodded. "S'cuse me. I'm late," I then said by way of leaving and pushed past him.

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