Phantom and Pranks

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You had your bedroom door closed and your music playing softly when you heard it. The first beautiful chord. You stopped comprehending what you were reading and sat there for a moment as the Overture continued. Had that many songs already passed? Were you already there?

The chord struck again and you frankly squealed, jumping up from your bed and turning your music all the way up, connecting it to a speaker as well. You didn't care if you bothered anybody else.

You started bouncing in excitement when the Overture ended, waiting for the next song eagerly.

Think of me, think of me fondly...

You immediately jumped in and sang with Christine and then Roaul then back to Christine, faking the really high part.

You didn't hear the footsteps coming up to your door. You didn't hear them run away only to come back three fold. You were singing again.

Where in the world have you been hiding? Really you were perfect...

You sang Angel of Music with Meg and Christine and Roaul and Phantom, your voice matching Phantom's venom and cut off notes perfectly.

The Avengers outside your door looked at each other in shock and Tony whipped out his phone to record you but you had stopped, the song now over.

They couldn't hear you jumping around and dancing as you were singing which was good, cause that would have been mortifying. But they did hear the first chord of your favorite piece.

🎧🎹 *first chord in Phantom of the Opera*🎹🎧

They could almost hear you singing along with the opening bars of Phantom of the Opera and Tony smirked, recording you.

Your voice dropped suddenly to match Christine's voice, a little bit of fake fear working itself in.

In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came,
That voice which calls to me, and speaks my name,

Your voice rose in volume. You had stopped jumping around and were standing almost stock still in the middle of your room, your eyes closed, swaying slightly.

And do I dream again, for now I find,
The Phaaaantom of the Opera is there, inside my mind...

You didn't hear the door creak open nor did you see Natasha, Clint and Tony walk in. Why? Well because your eyes were still closed, a serene and joyful smile on your calm face and the music filling your ears.

Sing once again with me, our strange duet,
My power over you, grows stronger yet,

Your voice had dropped about an octave and you were now singing the Phantom's lines perfectly. Clint stared at Natasha in shock and Tony continued to smirk and record you.

And though you turn from me, to glance behind,
The Phaaaaantom of the Opera is there, inside your mind

Your eyes snapped open suddenly and you stared at the interlopers, your cheeks growing a bit rosy but the next line came and you couldn't just not sing!

<Christine> Those who have seen your face, draw back in fear,
I am the mask you wear-
<Phantom> It's me they hear

You continued to sing Phantom's lines at the two part harmony.

<Both> Your/My spirit and my/your voice, in one combine,
The Phaaaantom of the Opera is there, inside my/your mind...

You trailed off with the music and pointedly glared at Tony. "Turn. That. Off. Now!" You growled, taking a step forwards.

You continued forwards threateningly while you sang the next lines, Tony taking two hurried steps back for every one you took but still didn't turn off the recording. Oh if only Phantom of the Opera wasn't playing!

<Phantom> In all your fantasies, you always knew,
That man and mystery,
<Christine> Were both in you
<Both> And in this labyrinth where night is blind...

You finally backed him into the wall and tore the phone out of his hands and promptly threw it across the room at the climax.

The Phaaaa *sound of phone hitting opposite wall and breaking* ntom of the Opera is there,
<Christine> inside my mind

Tony stared at you in shock as you turned and walked back to your previous position. Natasha had a smug look on her face and Clint was red faced from holding in his laughter. The absolute annoyance on your face while approaching the terrified Tony was priceless to him.

You suddenly turned and pointed at Natasha and said the next line.

Sing my angel of music

And she did. Natasha rose her voice to reach every. Single. One. Of Christine's high notes, you whispering "sing for me" and "sing" and "sing my angel of music" at all the right parts.

Now Clint looked nervous. Tony had promptly left, terrified, as soon as Natasha started to sing.

Clint didn't see the wink sent your way my Natasha nor did he see you send one back.

You slowly lifted your hand near the end and pointed at Clint. Natasha slowly turned, still singing, to stare mindlessly at him. Clint nearly lost it at that sight. The look of absolute nothingness on Natasha's face scared him more then anything he had ever seen before.

"Nat?" He said hesitantly but his voice was lost in your sudden Phantom of the Opera yelling.


"Natasha wha-" he tried again but was cut off by an insanely high but perfectly in tune note from Natasha.

And he sped out of there so fast, you could've called him Pietro.

Laughing, you and Natasha nearly collapsed on one another.

So maybe you had planned on doing that to Clint earlier but neither you or Natasha knew when the perfect time would come.

When Tony had ran into the living room where Natasha and Clint were however, saying you were singing Phantom of the Opera songs, she knew. And you knew when you saw them in your room while you were singing.

Still laughing slightly, the two of you raised your voices to continue singing for the next song, Music of the Night.

Well...I don't really know where I was planning to go on that...

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