Bucky X Shape Shifter!Reader

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The picture is of an English mastiff and a pomsky (Pomeranian and a husky). It'll make sense when you read this one shot.

You worked at a therapeutic hospital in a sketchy part of New York. What was your job exactly? Well, you were one of the dogs that comforted people. Did you friends and colleagues the Avengers know about this aspect? No, not really. They didn't even know you were a shape shifter. Well except for Natasha and Clint. They knew.

They found out because you saved their lives multiple times throughout missions that you weren't supposed to be acting on. You were supposed to be sitting at the Quinjet, waiting for them to come back. But as soon as you heard a call for back up, you left and flew (sometimes literally) to the battle grounds.

Clint found out after accidentally shooting you in the leg with one of his electric arrows. That was the time when a very human like scream came out of your Red Tailed Hawk beak, something you hoped never happened again. Moments later, you had lost consciousness and had shifted back to your normal form. Needless to say, Clint felt pretty bad about it but promised not to mention your abilities to anybody, however reluctant.

Natasha's story was much the same except your were a bear and she shot your arm. Luckily the bullet had gone straight through or that would've been really difficult to deal with. An angry grizzly bear is a poor way to go. She also promised not to say anything.

But back to your job.

When Bucky joined the Avengers at the Avenger tower, Steve was trying to convince him to go to a counselor or to find something to do to help calm him down after a nightmare. Clint and Natasha, somehow catching on that you liked Bucky, immediately recommended the place that you work at. 'Well that'll be awkward...' was the only thought that passed through your mind. After the glares and silent curses you sent their way.

It didn't seem like Bucky took up on the offer though, seeing as you never saw him. But a few weeks later, you walked into the waiting area to sign in and saw Bucky sitting in a corner. You also saw your boss standing at the desk. When your boss saw you, he seemed to relax and walked over to you. "I've got another client for your pomsky friend," he muttered. You just nodded. "Where should I send her?" "Room 112."

Minutes later, you were trotting down the corridor with one of the employees at your heels. They didn't know that you were _______ though. They just thought you were another dog.

Upon reaching room 112, your coworker opened the door and said, "Bucky Barnes?" If you had been human, you might've choked. Bucky?! Why you? Well, it wasn't like you were the best or anything but things would be so AWKWARD now! 'Wait wait wait _______, slow down. He doesn't know who you are.'

And that's how your weekly visits with Bucky started. And wow did you learn a lot about him. And wow was it hard not to say anything when you saw him around the tower. And wow did your love for him keep growing. And just...wow.

A couple of months later at one of Bucky's visits, you were lying beside him with your grey furry head in his lap as he scratched behind your right ear. And then he said something that caught you completely by surprise. "So, how long have you been a shifter, _______?" Your small dog body tensed for a moment and you lifted your head out of his lap and sat up. Slowly, you shifted back to your human form.

"H-how'd you know?" You stuttered in surprise.

"You've been acting different around me since I started coming here. And I saw you my first day talking to your boss so I knew that you worked here."

You sighed. "Stupid assassin intellect," you muttered.

Bucky smirked and patted your head mockingly. "There there, Amy," he said, calling you by the name he had given your pomsky form. You just rolled your eyes. "I'm assuming you don't want me telling anybody?"

"Please and thank you."

The next couple of meetings were done in human form, as he wouldn't talk any other way.

A few months later, the two of you started to hang out more and more, becoming closer. So it was no surprise to any of the Avengers when you two finally announced that you were together.

And a few months after that was when the rest of the Avengers found out about your abilities. Completely by accident.

You had had your head in Bucky's lap and he had been running his fingers through it as the Avengers visited. Your eyes were closed and you were purring, yes purring, as in the noise a cat makes when happy, ever so slightly. You didn't notice the inquisitive glances cast your way. Heck, you weren't even aware that the chatting had stopped until Tony said something.

"She's like a kitten, isn't she?"

You suddenly realized what you were doing, stopped and opened your (eye color) eyes to glare at Tony slightly. He knew that you really weren't a cat person so why compare you to one?

"I've always thought her more of a puppy," Bucky said, amusement in the undertones of his voice. You shifted to give him a warning glare. He just shrugged and smirked. "Just saying, doll." Rolling your eyes you shifted back to your previous position, missing him mouth to Tony "watch this"

And then he started to scratch behind your right ear. Weird I know, but for some reason it always caused you to shift into a pomsky, Bucky's pomsky, Amy. Your eyes closed almost immediately after he started and, without thinking, you shifted into your grey pomsky form. There were a lot of gasps and even the sound of a chair falling over. Then there was Clint's and Natasha's laughter and Bucky's chuckles. You opened your eyes with a resigned shrug of your shoulders.

"__-______?" Tony stuttered your name, looking at the pomsky next to Bucky incredulously. You looked at his figure on the floor and lifted your little paw to wave at him. There were more gasps and Tony knocked over another chair in his sudden scramble backwards.

Bucky laughed and you turned your head away from his hand and shifted again, this time into a large, full grown English mastiff. Then you climbed into his lap, him hissing in shock of the sudden weight.

You settled into his lap and laid your head on top of your paws. Clint and Natasha gave you a thumbs up and you, your still not sure how, winked at them. It was an interesting thing to do and it seemed to shock them as well.

Bucky tried to push you off. "Geez, doll, get off, you're heavy."

There was silence as you turned your head towards him. If you had eyebrows, one would be raised. But since you didn't, you resorted to a snarl.

His eyes widened. "I didn't mean it like that I just--you're not heavy it's just that--that--that--" he stuttered for a moment more before falling silent.

There was an almost scary silence as you snarled at him and he was avoiding your eyes. "Dude you messed up," Tony said quietly.

"No duh Sherlock."

Tony just shrugged. Eventually, you shifted back into your human form. "Next time," you said over Bucky's immediate tries to apologize, "don't sell me out or I'll turn into something bigger. You read me?" Ashamed, he nodded. "Good." And then you kissed him. "You're lucky I love you."

He grinned. "I love you too doll."

"Get a room!" Clint and Tony yelled at the same time.

So...what'd y'all think? This was kind of fun... I think I'll do this kind of thing again. 😁

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