Bucky ~ #23

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"Did you enjoy yourself last night?" AlexanderRae


Listening to the silence of the dark area, you held your breath, trying to hear where the other players were. But your human ears couldn't pick anything up. Frowning, and resuming your quiet breaths, you backed further into your corner and tried something you had done only once before. It was an odd sensation, to have your shifting abilities only encompass one aspect of your body rather than all of it but you didn't really want to drop your weapon or lose the electronically powered armor (electronics didn't always shift with you while your clothes always did). Soon your ears were that of an owl, or maybe a bat, it was hard to tell, and you strained them until you picked up another set of breathing patterns.

Smiling to yourself, your ears shifted back and you crept towards where you had heard breathing. Finally seeing the faint glow of another breastplate in the dark room, you ducked behind a wall and pulled out your weapon, leveling it at the breastplate in front of you. "Stupefy," you whispered to the wand and the breastplate flashed a bright red.

"Oh come on!" You heard Clint's voice call out as he moved to the "Out Box". Smirking, you waited for the glow to fade slightly before darting away to another corner and shifting your eyesight into that of an owl, a slightly painful task. There in the center.

Again you moved close to the breastplate, leveled your electronic wand and whispered, "Stupefy," once more. Another breastplate lit up, signaling the end of their play. "How?" Tony.

Eyes hurting from the owl sight still active, you scanned for another breastplate. Instead of seeing one however, you felt the presence of another being behind you and quickly turned and whispered the same spell as before, causing Thor's breastplate to flash red and soon after Steve's as you said the next spell soon after.

The two moved over to the wall, both calling out their names so the others could know who was out. Moving again towards a faint glow, which was also moving towards you, you quickly ran through who was left in the ring. Bruce had refused to play and claimed referee, Wanda had been the first out pretty early in the game, and you had gotten Clint, Tony, Thor, and Steve out. Which meant that only Bucky, Natasha, Sam and yourself were still playing.

Soon you and the other breastplate were close enough for you to see who it was. Sam. Smirking he raised his wand and pointed it at you but before it leveled, his breastplate flashed red. Both Sam and yourself stared in shock. If you hadn't done it then that meant...stupid assassins.

Quickly you looked around, and after shifting your hearing into that of a better hearing animal, strained to hear anyone. You could hear Sam's breaths and the rustling of clothes in the out corner as well as their lit up breastplates. But no white glow...suddenly you dropped to the ground and the rock in front of you flashed a bright red.

Turning while still on the floor, you shot your own spell at Natasha who was standing behind you. She ducked and you quickly scrambled to your feet when FLASH, Natasha's suit lit up. "Bucky, how could you?" She asked the air.

"Sorry, Nat," Bucky responded stepping out from the other side of the rock you had been previously hiding behind. "But I can't let you get my target." You smiled for a second before stepping away from Bucky and raising your wand. Bucky raised his with yours and the two of you stood there, facing off with each other.

Before Bucky could make the first move you flicked your wand slightly and whispered, "Protego." A second later, Bucky's spell hit your and your breastplate flashed a bright white instead of red.

"(Y/n)?" Bucky said in dismay as you gave him a smug smile. It was a good thing wands had to recharge otherwise houd aleeady be gone.

"Sorry Buck, but I can't lose now. Stupefy," you said flicking your wand and you wantched as his suit lut up in a brilliant red. Grinning you raised your wand in triumph and cheering ensued from your teammates as they rushed back on the playing field. Bucky pouted before joining the cheering.

The next day

"Hey, (y/n)," you heard the next day and you looked up from your steaming mug of (hot drink).


"Did you enjoy yourself last night?" Bucky asked, sitting down next to you.

"Of course I did, I won," you laughed. Bucky laughed with you.

Yay happy ending.

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