Fire and Avenger

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A/N This is basically the backstory to the fire powers mentioned in the previous part. It'll include why you hate the fire and how you joined the Avengers. Hope y'all enjoy (and no, I'm not from the south 😝 though sometimes I wish I was 🙃😁)

Fire. That was all you could see.

Fire. That was suddenly all you cared about.

Fire. The destructive flames had an alluring air about them and you couldn't stop staring at the shapes in front of you.

Fire. It was eating at the walls of your previous house.

Fire. You heard sirens in the distance as you ran your hand through the hot flames.

Fire. It didn't hurt like it should have, like you maybe wanted it to.

Fire. When your fingers curled, the flames followed. Where your hand went, the heat was the strongest.

Fire. Fire meant heat but even the heat didn't burn.

Fire. Fire meant smoke but the smoke didn't scar your lungs.

Fire. Fire meant destruction but you couldn't stop smiling as you watched your house crumble around you.

The sirens were louder now and you slowly came to your senses and jerked your hand out of the bright blue flame. What had happened? You didn't quite remember but as you looked around at the chaos, it all came back.

You had been annoyed, your boss had been ruder than normal, and you had been looking forwards to coming home and enjoying a nice calm evening with your boyfriend. That didn't happen, however, seeing as once you arrived home your boy-sorry, EX-boyfriend had been kissing some other girl. It was at that moment when your negative emotions started to bubble over.

At first, you had looked around frantically for your fire-proof gloves but had given up after your friend had told you that he wasn't sorry at all. So, you had let your hands cone alight. You let the flames take control and jump to the nearest flammable thing. You let the flames grow, expanding from your hands towards him. And you had listened to his screams mindlessly, not caring.

You came back to the present for a moment when you came across his burning body. A deranged smile fixed itself upon your face as you reached out to make the flames hotter, but you slowly stopped, the sirens echoing in your ears. You had to leave, before you were caught, before any questions could be asked.

As you fled from the razed house, you looked back one more time and suddenly felt guilty. Realization of what you had just done began to settle in and you ran, as fast as you possibly could with tears obscuring your vision.

(Lol this is taking forever. So so sorry. I'm going to go ahead and skip ahead...)

*Two months later*

You were living in the outskirts of New York City, in a small brick house, wood being too dangerous. You had just started a fire the old fashioned way, not trusting yourself to do it safely. You were back in the kitchen, making lunch when somebody knocked on your door. You frowned. You hadn't been expecting anybody and everyone who lived around you knew you didn't like visitors.

You put down the pan, slipped on your gloves, grabbed an unloaded gun, stowing it behind you, and walked over to the door. Slowly you opened it to see a dark man with an eyepatch. "Are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" The man asked.

"That'd be me. Who are you?"

"Nick Fury. May I come in?" Slowly you nodded and stepped aside. "Thank you."

Once he was sitting in your small visiting room you got straight to the point. "How do you know my name and why are you here?" You asked, your voice kind of hard.

To save some time, let's just say that he didn't answer the first question but did explain that he wanted you to join the Avengers.

"Why? Why me?" Came your next question.

"I know what you did to your old house, (Y/N)," he said, not unkindly. "And I just want to help you learn to control your powers rather than run from them. The Avengers are the best way to do that."

"And if I say no?"

"No comment."

You muttered your favorite insults under your breath.

"I also know," Fury continued, "that you've been having black out periods. Care to share?"

"Not particularly," came your growled reply. "Look, I don't know who you are, or how you know about me but here's what I do know: I'm not joining the avengers and you are leaving. Right now." You stood up and pointed to the door. Sighing, he stood and left without another word.


Another knock echoed through your house and you forgot to grab the gun, which ended up being a mistake, even if it wasn't loaded. You opened the door to see an arrow aimed at your chest, a laser on your forehead and Iron Man standing on your porch.

"No. Get out," you said, not letting Iron Man speak. You could see Captain America and the Black Widow behind him.

"Sorry, no can do," came a cheeky reply. You just glared and clenched your fists. The laser that had been dancing across your forehead steadied and Hawkeye readied his bow even more.

"I don't need help."

"We just want you to join."

"By threatening me?" You scoffed. "I'm feeling the love."

Captain America stepped forwards. "Please, (Y/N), give us a chance."

You looked at him and said, "Tell Robin Hood here and Sniper over there to relax and maybe I'll think about it."

Black Widow nodded and Hawkeye lowered his bow and the laser disappeared. You folded your arms and looked, no, glared, back at Iron Man. It was hard to see what he was thinking thanks to the mask. You growled and threw your gloved hands into the air in defeat. "Fine!" You snapped. "Let me go pack."

*A year later*

You had by now accepted your position as a pre-Avenger and had been focusing on training your visions to the future; you had given up with trying to control your fire after you almost destroyed the entire fifth floor of the Avenger building.

One day, you had decided to find a quiet room to try the fire thingy again when Clint came up to you. "Hey (Y/N)," he said, faking casualness.

"What's wrong? If it has to do with fire, it wasn't me," you said holding up your gloves hands. He forced a laugh. "No, it's about your role as an Avenger." You tried to not let your hopes rise, you were being released to go back to your old life. But apparently your old life didn't want you back.

"Fury wants to test you. If you pass, you're an Avenger. If you fail, well, you'll still be training."

"Hazelnuts and cashews," you mutter in disappointment. (Don't judge my quotations of other characters) You sighed. "When?"

Needless to say, you passed and you were now an Avenger. Over the months, you grew to accept it but you made sure to never let any of your teammates get too close; you didn't want a repeat of what had happened a couple of years ago.

And this is where you are when the vision of Loki came to you. (See previous part for more details)

Oh my gods lol this is SUPER long. Sorry... #sorrynotsorry
Hope you all enjoyed the backstory!
Thanks for reading,
ZoologyIsForMe 💜

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