Tony ~ #13

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"We're in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you want to stop and feel the rain?"

{Platonic relationship; weekly movie night; I'm going to do this differently: it's going to be in first person rather than second person cause it's easier. Also, I changed the quote slightly cause it fit better.}

I signed out and hung my lanyard up on the hook beside the clipboard mindlessly, my mind focused on the world in front of me. I could see myself with the characters as they partook in adventures that I couldn't go on personally. As I left the library, I waved to my coworkers with a big smile and they responded likewise.

As I went out to my car to drive home, in no hurry, I had this pressing concern that there was something going on tonight that I was going to be late for if I didn't hurry home but I could not for the life of me think of what it was. 'If I had a remembrall I'd be able to know if there actually was something tonight and I forgot or not,' I thought with a small chuckle as I pulled out of the parking lot and started home.

It wasn't until I had opened my front door, walked inside, and saw a mop of brown hair laying on the armrest of my couch before I remembered why I had to hurry home. "Crap! That's what I forgot!" Tony laughed but looked slightly hurt. "Oh gosh Tony I'm so sorry," I apologized, quickly putting my stuff away. "I just need to change into something a bit more comfortable then I'll be ready to go."

"You forgot?" Tony called after me as i rushed to my bedroom to get changed. "I was reading out loud today for the little kids then got caught up reading my own book. I was actually late in leaving the library," I called back through your bedroom door as i changed into sweats and a loose t-shirt. "Not much of an excuse for forgetting, (y/n)." "Yeah I know." I came out of my bedroom and smiled.

"Okay let's go." He smiled back and together we left my apartment and started towards the Avengers tower for our movie night. The other Avengers weren't big fans of Tony's movie nights so he had given up on them for a while before we met. Then we started doing our own movie nights, after he found out how much I loved movies. They happened every Friday that both of us were open, which was all of them unless there was a mission.

"So, what are we watching tonight?" I asked as I settled on his couch in front of the TV. "(Favorite movie title)," Tony said with a smile. "Hope that's okay." I grinned as Tony sat down next to me and the movie started.

Hours later after three or four movies, the sun had set and the only light outside was that from the street lights as there were clouds out covering the sky. Tony and I started walking to my place, chatting about the movies and laughing together when it started to rain. At first it wasn't much more than a sprinkle but it slowly got worse, not that I minded. I grew up in a rainy place so the fact that I was getting wet didn't bother me at all. Tony, however, seemed to have an aversion to the rain.

"Can you walk any slower?" He asked. "It's raining and cold." "You don't have to walk me home," I laughed, not bothered. "How are you not freaking out about this?" "It's grew up in a rainy city. Rain was a part of everyday. There would literally be maybe a month or two where we wouldn't get rain."

Lightning flashed and the thunder crashed soon after. We were now outside of my place, Tony on the porch under the overhanging, I was out in the rain, my face turned upwards.

"We are literally in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you just want to stand out in it?" Tony accused. I looked at him, water streaking down my face. "Do you realize how long it has been since I've seen or heard a good rainfall?" He went to respond but I cut him off. "Tony, just listen for a moment, k?" He nodded slowly, expecting you to keep talking but you didn't say anything. The pitter patter of the rain filled your ears and you looked back up at the sky with my eyes closed, thoroughly enjoying the rain on my face.

"You're going to get sick, you know that?" "I've been sick before. I'll see you next time, Tony," I laughed and Tony came out into the rain and gave me a hug. "See you next time, (y/n)."

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