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Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates. I decided to just sit down and write something and this is what I got. 

Fable and Maverick (Snow is their last name) are rather new Percy Jackson OCs of mine. Twin kids of Apollo. Fable, though, is deaf. I am trying to give respect to the deaf community and write her correctly and use my knowledge of sign language to help her communicate. 

I am still learning the language and it has a different grammatical structure than English that's hard for me to pick up sometimes. So, if you think I messed up somehow, please let me know so I can learn and fix it. Thanks!

Fable watched the bustle of crowds around her blankly, not understanding why everyone was running for their weapons. She looked around hopelessly for her brother, searching the heads around her for the redhead but couldn't find him. Of course. He had probably run off as soon as he heard whatever Chiron had announced, not that she knew what it was.

One of her half-siblings saw her sitting at the table and came over to her, looking panicked. Their lips moved noiselessly and Fable watched with a resigned expression. She was starting to wish she had learned how to read lips.

Will Solace huffed in frustration as the red-haired girl just looked at him blankly. Why wasn't she running to help everyone? Monsters had risen from the forest and were pushing into the camp, destroying everything they could see and this girl had the audacity to be doing nothing. "Come on! We need everyone's help," he said, grabbing her arm and pulling her along.

Fable cried out in indignation, pulling her arm back and stopping him before signing furiously. Will watched in surprise. He had seen this girl around camp before, even in the Apollo cabin, and had noticed how quiet she was. But he had had no idea that she was deaf.

"Shoot," he muttered, raising his hands to try and get her to calm down. Another redhead came over, laying a hand on his shoulder. 

"I got this." Will looked over to see the girl's brother, Maverick, nod at him then look at Fable, who started to direct her signing towards him.


"CAMP ATTACK. COME HELP." Maverick signed back, trying to get her to calm down. Will watched in shock, embarrassed that he hadn't known about this before. They were his siblings after all. Fable nodded and brushed past Will angrily to go to the first aid tent.

"Don't take it the wrong way," Maverick said to him. "She doesn't like being left out or being oblivious."

"She's deaf," Will said in surprise.

"Yeah, a bit ironic if you ask me," Maverick scoffed. "She thinks so too. When we got claimed, she thought it was some elaborate joke. But, here we are." 

Will nodded and followed him hurriedly to the tent, soon forgetting about the deaf girl and her brother in his work. Shoot, he didn't even know her name.

A few days later, Will saw the two siblings again. They were sitting on the dock, their feet in the water and signing with each other. The girl looked a lot more at ease and friendly than she had before.

"I'll be right back," he promised Nico, walking over to them. "Hey," he said once he was closer. Maverick looked up at him and smiled, Fable only looking over when she noticed her brother doing so.

"Hey, Will. How are you?" Maverick asked happily. Fable looked down at the water, content to let the two talk.

"I'm okay. Is she okay?" He gestured to Fable, hoping he wasn't interrupting or making her feel uncomfortable. 

Maverick waved at Fable and signed quickly. "YOU OKAY? BROTHER W-I-L-L," he gestured to him, "ASK YOU."

Fable looked up at Will. "I GOOD. HOW YOU?" Maverick translated the signs to English for him and Will smiled. 

"I'm okay. I wanted to apologize for the other day. I didn't know."

After seeing the translation from Maverick, Fable laughed. It sounded like bird song and Will was surprised to hear it. "YOU FINE. SORRY I RUDE. DISLIKE NOT-KNOW WHAT HAPPEN."

"She says it's okay. She's sorry she was rude; she doesn't like not knowing what's happening," Maverick translated, watching Fable. He looked up to see Will's shocked face and a second boy standing by him.

"Will? Are you okay?" The other boy asked. 

"Uh, yeah. You have a beautiful laugh," he said to Fable, letting Maverick translate.


"You're welcome," he replied, not needing Maverick to translate probably the only sign he knew.

"WHO BOY?" Fable gestured to Nico curiously.

"I'm Nico," Nico replied after hearing Maverick's translation. Maverick spelled out the name for Fable and she nodded, repeating it to help her remember.

"MY NAME F-A-B-L-E." She spelled it out for them before signing her name sign: an F tapped on her shoulder.

Maverick explained to them what it meant. "Her name's Fable. But instead of spelling it out each time you see her and want to say hi, you can just tap an F on your shoulder. It's her name." 

"And how do we say hi?" Will wondered. 

"Just wave," Maverick replied with a smile.

Nico sat down next to them, crossing his legs on the docks. "Can you teach me the alphabet?" He asked Fable, letting Maverick translate.

Fable grinned and looked over at him, nodding. She then looked up at Will questioningly. "YOU LEARN WANT SAME?"

He nodded and sat down next to Nico, both of them facing the two redheads who adjusted to face them. The four sat in a circle and Fable started teaching.

Word Count: 816

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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