Googly Eye

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No idea where this idea came from but we're just going with it.

You've been a SHIELD agent for a few years now, joining after the mishap in New York, and only because two great friends convinced you to. Their names are Natasha and Clint.

You didn't really enjoy the job at first, thought a lot about quitting too, but your friends would always tell you that the job would grow on you. And in a way, it did.

Ever since you were a child, you had loved pranks. When you got a bit older, you started to do your own. Little things like leaving tiny plastic camels all over Clint's house and replacing all of Natasha's practice guns with the fake guns that have the paper shoot out "Bang!" things. The last one you may or may not have regretted after having water dumped on you but whatever. Not important.

Anyways, you soon found that your main problem with your job was that nobody had any fun. You decided a few months into the job that you were going to change that, much to the chagrin of Natasha and support of Clint.

You started small, rearranging desks and leaving random things everywhere. But as you got more comfortable with your peers, your pranks became bigger. There was one point of time where everybody was afraid to open partially or fully closed doors, much to your amusement. You started to purposefully partially close doors, no buckets of water or anything else, but just partially close them. And whenever somebody got confident that nothing would get dumped on them? You guessed it. You dumped something on them.

You could always be found a few ways. One was you laughing hysterically after witnessing one of your pranks or being pranked. Another was the sound of threats and running footsteps, accompanied by laughter. Another way was seeing you silently walking around, no laughter following you. This last one always made everybody nervous because it meant one of two things: something bad happened out in the field, or you had just set up a rather large prank. Nobody could tell the difference.

You had even pranked Fury, though the details are a bit foggy. You remember bright lights in your eyes as he interrogated you, which was unnecessary but whatever. And there was no laughter from him, though the bright pink eyepatch was hilarious to you.

So, as I was saying at the beginning, you had been working at SHIELD for a few years. Everybody was comfortable by now with your pranks, even Fury, though you had never pranked him by his eyepatch again, and life was good.

One day, you were chatting with the Avengers in the hellicarrier when Fury stalked into the room. "(Last name)!" He roared. You turned your head to see an angry Fury with...was that...a googly eye on his eyepatch. Without really meaning to, your started to laugh.

"This is NOT funny Agent (last name)," Fury said coldly. You couldn't stop laughing long enough to say that it wasn't you as Fury continued to lecture you. The Avengers were snickering and smirking behind you and a couple were hiding giggles.

"...and with superglue to!" Fury exclaimed, causing you to laugh harder. You were holding you stomach and gasping for air as you laughed. Man, you hadn't laughed like this in ages you could tell. Your laughing muscles were sore.

You tried to say something but saw Clint looking a bit nervous and guilty and just started to laugh again. Of course Clint would do something like this. Only Clint.

"So, Agent (last name), did you do this." It was more of a statement then a question and you still couldn't find the normal strength to say no. To say that it was Clint. So, you just took the blame as Fury glared and you.

Still laughing, you stumbled out of the room, trying to catch your breath.

Hours later, you were working in a lab with Jemma Simmons when Fury came in to see how you two were doing. You couldn't help yourself when you saw him and his googly eye eyepatch. You started to laugh again and he glared pointedly at you and pointed at the door, the fake eye spinning wildly as he gestured with his head. You stumbled out of the room again.

Again and again this happened. Fury would walk into the same room as you and you would just start to helplessly laugh. It was really starting to hurt now and you weren't really sure why it was still funny but boy was it funny.

Near the end of the day Clint approached you. "So, how's your day been, (your name)?" He asked casually.

"Slightly painful thanks. You?"

"Painful?" He inquired, evading the question.

"You try laughing for hours in one day. It hurts man. It just hurts." You grinned. "But that eye," you laughed. "How on earth did you do that?"

He shrugged sheepishly. "The vents and some careful observing and planning."

"Ah, using my rule book huh?" He shrugged again. You chuckled and Fury walked into the room.

Your tried really really really hard not to start laughing again and for about a minute, you were successful. In that minute, you looked up at him, narrowed your eyes and said "Really? Again? You stalking me?" before letting out peals of laughter. Fury just shook his head, the eye spinning crazily, causing you to laugh harder and grab the table edge to keep yourself upright.

"S-stop please," you groaned through your laughter. "I-I swear if this is you p-punishing me, I hate it. It h-hurts and I didn't even do anything to d-deserve this." Your words were broken but somehow you managed to say them.

Fury furrowed his brow before turning his gaze towards the suddenly nervous Clint. "Barton," he growled. "Hey Fury. How've ya been man?"

Still laughing, though now more quietly, you left the room, nodding to Fury and waving a goodbye at Clint. "Nice knowing you Barton," you called over your shoulder, your voice filled to the brim with mirth.

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