Steve ~ #2

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"You think I'm being paranoid, but the truth is I'm worth nothing to her alive." AlexanderRae

Ducking behind a crate, you sucked in a pained breath and brought your hand up to your ear. "I need an escape route now please. North corner."

"Coming,  (l/n). Just hold on." You ducked lower as gunshots reverberated around the room. "Not like I'm going anywhere," you muttered to yourself, coming slightly over the top of the crates to fire back at your enemies. Bodies fell with a thud and you yelped as a lucky shot nearly hit you and ducked back down.

The sound of metal striking bodies and bones breaking suddenly came to light and you carefully looked around the crates to see Natasha . "Oh thank the skies," you sighed in relief, standing with a grimace and holding your badly bruised side.

"Hey, you okay?" "Yeah, just peachy." You took a cautious step forwards, testing your twisted ankle, and nearly fell. "Help?" She laughed and threw her arm around your waist as you threw an arm around her shoulders and the two of you limped out of the storage room.

As you reached the quinjet, you saw Steve standing there waiting for you guys. "Great, another lecture," you mumbled to Natasha as his face grew hard at seeing your injuries. "Can it, old man," you snapped as you passed, interrupting him before he even began.

Natasha helped lower you into a chair and went to get the team medic as Steve came over. "What happened?" "Why do you care?" "You're on my team. Why wouldn't I care?"

You scoffed and looked up at him, unimpressed. "Really? That's the only reason? Wow feeling the love Cap."

"What happened?" "I told you to can it earlier, you really just going to ignore that?" "Yup." "Hades, Cap. Lay off." You grew increasingly more annoyed at the man as your adrenaline wore off and pain began to fill your senses. Obviously, your injuries were worse than you had previously thought. In fact, you actually passed out a few minutes later as the team medic started to look you over.

The next mission you went on was an almost similar outcome, though your afflictions were less and you didn't pass out. Steve still bothered you about being more careful and safe and not be headstrong but you didn't really listen. You knew your limits, he didnt; that was your reasoning.

Steve found your recklessness annoyed and costly. He thought that your actions put the others on the mission in danger. So to say that your guys' relationship was tense, was a bit of an understatment.

You hated how he was always there and checking up on you; he hated how you were always hurt in some way to make you unavailable for the next few assignments.

You loved coming up with new ways to insult him, even using some Shakespearean insults under your breath; he loved...well, you. He didn't necessary like that he was attracted to you sometimes, you always got on his nerves, but he couldn't help it. And deep inside, you knew that you were attracted to the man you claimed to hate.

Neither of you ever acted on your feelings; both of you leaving any situation that might convince you to share something you really didn't want to. But nevertheless, they were there.

One day, a few days after a particularly bad arguement between the two of you, Steve was out for a walk when his world went dark with a blaring pain. He woke up to a smothering darkness which was broken suddenly by a bright light right in his face. Cold and clammy chains clinked as he moved and the chair he was strapped to made a loud screeching sound against the floor.

"Good afternoon, Captain Rogers," a grating voice greeted. "So glad that you could join us today."

"Who are you?" "My name is Gizmodo and I need something from you." "Yeah, that's not happening," Steve growled. Gizmodo smirked from the shadows. "Oh, you don't have what I need yet, but you are the means of getting it." The ominous words preceeded long hours of torture that he had a hard time staying quiet about.

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