Well Cool, I Got Tagged

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Okay so I got tagged by BOSS_ARSE_BISH Thanks for that!

1) You must post these rules
2) You must tag 13 people
3) You must post 13 facts about yourself (what's with the number thirteen?!)
4) You must answer the 13 questions posted and make 13 more
5) You must complete the tag within a week or the tagged will remind you
6) Be creative with the questions
7) "I don't do tags" is unacceptable
8) Tag backs are allowed

Facts About Me:

1) I'm a freshman
2) I have glasses
3) I'm apparently going to get braces and I'm not sure if I really want to
4) My favorite colors are purple, black, and blue
5) I have a back brace
6) I have three younger siblings (2 boys, 1 girl)
7) I'm 5'10"
8) My goal is 6' but I might not make it...it's really disappointing
9) My favorite domesticated animal is a German Shepherd
10) My favorite wild animal(s) are wolves and tigers
11) Favorite bird is an OWL OH MY GOSH I LOVE OWLS
12) My first fandom was Harry Potter then Percy Jackson then Marvel
13) My favorite series when I was younger was Magic Tree House and The Boxcar Children and Encyclopedia Brown

Questions Asked by BOSS_ARSE_BISH

1️⃣ DC or Marvel?
Yes. Um...probably Marvel though I do watch The Flash and Arrow, the Avengers is where my heart will lie.
2️⃣ What character death made you cry a lot or broke your heart?
Too many...*HARRY POTTER SPOILER ALERT* such as Fred, Padfoot, Moony, *AOU SPOILER* and Pietro. There are others I'm sure but that's where I'm stopping. It's too depressing
3️⃣ What's your favorite show? Why?
Oh gosh. Um...Agents of SHIELD most likely because...well what can I say, Skye can kick butt and Coulson is alive
4️⃣ Doctor Who or Sherlock? Why?
Sherlock. I've only seen like, one or two episodes of Doctor Who...its really intense and I don't do intense. Sorry whovians
5️⃣ What book do you love?
I love a lot of books (Harry potter, Percy Jackson) but I have to say that my favorite is probably a series nobody's heard of: The Belgariad. Go read it
6️⃣ What's your dream person?
I don't understand this question.
7️⃣ What's the last lie you told?
This seems like an odd question...um...idk I've told half truths or part of the truth recently but I haven't full out lied recently
8️⃣ Who's your favorite fictional person and why?
How can you only have one? Um...uh...they're all amazing for various reasons; I can't choose one.
9️⃣ What's your favorite band/artist?
Disney...does that count? Lol all I listen to is Disney and Phantom of the Opera
🔟 What do you like most about your fandom/s?
The fact that everybody mainly agrees that certain people didn't die or should die. *HARRY POTTER SPOILER* like how Fred didn't die and Umbridge should. Things like that.
🔟➕1️⃣ Have you met any of your idols?
My parents and my best friend...I've yet to meet President Monson (the prophet or my church) or President Uchtdorf but they're my idols too. 
🔟➕2️⃣ Worst bad habit?
Um...talking too much...biting my nails...and I'm just awkward
🔟➕3️⃣ Full name?
Christiana H. M. That's all you're getting. Sorry
🔟➕4️⃣ If not full name, nickname? (If you want you can do both)
I have a few. Christi and Centimeter are a couple.

My Questions
1) DC or Marvel?
2) First fandom?
3) Favorite book/series as of right now?
4) Favorite book/series when you were younger?
5) Bucky or Pietro?
6) Who do you want to die more: Umbridge or Voldemort?
7) Worst character death?
8) "Best" character death?
9) Books you recommend? Why?
10) Authors you recommend? Why?
11) What would be your super power?
12) 🎶Do you want to hide a body?🎶
13) When/how did you come across the Marvel fandom?

Almost done




I'll get up the second part to Stealing soon (hopefully)!

Thanks y'all

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