Steve - Request

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So...this was requested by band_and_80s_movies so sorry I didn't get this up sooner.

Post Ultron:

Walk it off. That's what Captain America had said to everyone when you all went in to fight Ultron. If you die, walk it off.

But Pietro was dead. And he hadn't come back to walk it off. It was destroying, and not just to Wanda, but to everyone.

Sure, everyone knew that they weren't immortal but Pietro's death made that so much more obvious.

Steve just kept thinking this would end up like Bucky. Pietro would come back, different perhaps, but he'd be back. And you didn't know how to break it to him that Pietro was in fact dead, something nobody saw coming.


It's been four months and things are just barely starting on the road to normal. Tony has stopped drinking himself to unconsciousness every night, Clint and Natasha have stopped training until they drop, Bruce has stopped Hulking out as much, Thor has finally returned from Asgard, still in deep mourning, you have stopped working around the clock to distract yourself, and Steve...seems to still be in denial.

One day, you decide that you just can't handle Steve looking so lost. So, you ask him if he would like to go have lunch with you.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," Steve responded. "But I think that I'm-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer, Captain," you interrupted firmly. "I'm coming to get you at 11:45 tomorrow and I don't care if you're ready or not."

Steve was silent for a moment before smiling. "Okay," he said quietly. "11:45. It's a...plan."

"No, it's a date," you corrected with a giddy grin, giving him a quick hug before leaving for a meeting.

~The next day at 11:45~

You knocked on his door at exactly 11:45. You were in a nice (F/C) dress with a matching jacket which hung over your shoulders. Your hair was curled and draped over your left shoulder. Steve opened the door and his jaw fell to the floor. You blushed slightly as he eyed your outfit, his eyes landing on your lips for a moment before returning to your (E/C) eyes.

He was in a nice red button up shirt with a black jacket that suited him nicely. His hair was nicely parted and his blue eyes seemed to be sparkling. It took away your breath.

"So, where are we going?" Steve asked, closing his apartment door.

"Guess you'll have to find out," you said with a smirk before proceeding to lead him to...your house. I know, big shocker. But you had prepared a nice meal, using a family recipe, that just couldn't be recreated anywhere else. And since this was a first date, you wanted it to mean something.

Steve looked around your living room with a smile. "Nice place, darling."

"Thanks, Cap. I'll be right back; I have to grab the food." He nodded and began looking at the pictures you had on your mantle.

There was a picture of him and Pietro, laughing. Then there was one of him and Natasha sparring. And one with him and Tony talking. The list kept going, him with each of the Avengers. And then there was another photo, this one face down, next to an empty picture frame.

Just before he could pick it up and look at it, you walked back into the room. "Steve? The foods ready." You looked at him curiously as he turned back around.

"Yes sorry. I was just looking at" A small blush appeared on your cheeks. You had forgotten about those.

You both sat down and started talking, inevitably ending up on the topic of Pietro, a common occurrence.

"I just don't see why he had to be so- so-"

"Heroic?" You prompted. He sighed and looked down.

"And now he's dead."

"Steve, honey, you can't blame yourself for his death," you said. Wait. Did you just call him 'honey?!' Crap.

He smiled slightly, shook his head, and changed the subject. "(Y/N)? Why do you have so many pictures of me on your mantle?"

Your eyes widened slightly and you began blushing furiously as you tried to come up with a reason. "Those times were...always the best times to take a picture?" You said, not sounding very sure.


You groaned. "Imighthaveasmallcrushonyou," you said quietly and really fast.

"Come again?"

"I um...I..." you stuttered for a moment before sighing and walking over to the mantle, picking up the upside down picture and handing it to him.

It wasn't a picture like the rest of the ones on your mantle. Not exactly. It was a question, one that you asked yourself often. 'What do you do when you believe the guy you love doesn't love you back?' And under the question, there was a picture of him and you laughing together, with the sunset in the background. The picture was framed in a heart.

Steve was silent for a moment and tears came to your eyes. "I-I'm sorry," you said quietly, putting the picture back. "I d-didn't tell you be-because I didn't want t-to ruin our friendship." You wouldn't look at him as you spoke. Steve was still quiet and you thought that that was it. He hated you.

And then he did something that made your heart sing. Captain Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America, lifted your face up and kissed you.

It was a soft kiss, one that made you love him even more. You kissed him back and ran your fingers through his hair. He pulled you closer and rubbed your lower back comfortingly.

After you both were out of breath, you pulled apart. His hair was no longer nicely parted and your hair was cascading down your back. "I think now is a good time to say I love you too,  (Y/N)," Steve said with a smile. You just smiled back and kissed him again.


That...I wasn't expecting it to turn into that. That just kind of happened. Yay for me. Hope y'all enjoyed it and please request. I will get to it as soon as I can. 😁🙃

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