Stealing Part 3

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Should be the last part. Sorry for not updating in forever. I haven't had ANY inspiration and it sucks.

It was silent for a minute or so before Clint said, "What do you mean, you can't?"

"I mean I physically cannot tell you," you said, as if it were obvious.

"But you know who you work for?" You nodded, slipping a small device up your sleeve without anybody noticing. Natasha looked about ready to strangle you.

Steve took a step forwards and raised his hands in an innocent manner. Immediately, you rolled to the other side of the table and grew cautious. The table now rested between you and Steve and everybody in the room looked surprised with how fast you had reacted.

"At least tell us your name," Steve said kindly. You couldn't help but think of the calm before the storm with how everybody was reacting in the room.

I mean come on, you had broken into their house to steal from them and all they were doing was asking you meaningless questions.

You said the first name that came to mind that wasn't your name. "(Sister's name)." Wait. Had you just said that your name was (sisters name)?! You hadn't meant to do that...

"(Sisters name)," Pietro repeated. You nodded and saw Wanda's eyes glow red. Without really thinking, you threw a shard of something at her, growling in the back of your throat. "Stay out of my head," you snapped at her, you normally soft (eye color) eyes hard. And once again there were the looks of surprise.

"I'm the Observer, of course I would know your guys' talents. Stop acting so surprised," you muttered, rolling your eyes.

"Well if you would stop being so unpredictable then maybe we would be able to, (sisters name)," Tony said, saying your sisters name mockingly. As if he knew it wasn't your name. You just rolled your eyes.

"Can I go now please?" You asked again.

Natasha slammed her hand down on the table beside her. "No!" She practically snarled at you, stepping forwards threateningly, your knife gripped tightly in her hand.

"Hey now, don't hurt my knife, Widow. And why not?"

"Because you still haven't told us what your name is or what your agenda is." Natasha's voice was dark, reminding you of your parents when they were more than angry. You subconsciously took a step back and resisted the urge to hold your hands up in front of your face.

"Y-yes I have, M--Widow," you stuttered, a hint of fear in your voice. Your eyes were slightly wider and you were trying desperately not to break down.

"Are you all right, Princess?" Pietro asked. You didn't say anything, your gaze not leaving Natasha's menacing form.

"Widow, stand down," Steve said and Clint put a hand on her arm. Slowly, she relaxed.

"So sweetheart, what's your name then?" Tony asked with a "charming" smile.

There was silence for a moment before you whispered, "Why don't you ask her?" with a small head nod at Wanda. "She probably already knows."

"Is true, I know," Wanda said when everybody's gazes turned to her.

"So, can I leave now?" You asked yet again. You had to report back to your parents and you were beginning to dread it.

"No," Steve said. "I want to hear this information from you, miss. Not from Wanda."

Sighing in resignation, you nodded. "My name's (your name), (sisters name) is my sister," you started quietly. The Avengers all stayed quiet as you told them about your sister's condition and how your family didn't have enough money to pay for all of the treatments so you had resorted to pick pocketing. You told them that that was why you were here, to find something to sell. You didn't tell them about your parents beating you when you screwed up or when they were mad. You didn't want their pity or whatever else they would try to give you. Throughout all of it, they all stayed silent and just listened.

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