Stealing Part 2

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Your eyes flitted around the group. Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, Quicksilver, Tony Stark or Iron Man, and no Thor or Hulk. Fun.

"So, what's a pretty girl like yourself doing sneaking around Avengers Tower?" Tony asked, taking a step forwards. You took one back and didn't say anything, your face clear of emotion, besides your eyes.

"Were you looking for me?" Tony asked spreading his hands out. "Cause you could've just walked in the front doors."

Which in hindsight might have been easier as well as safer, you thought still not talking.

You glanced behind you and saw a sizable gap between Quicksilver and Hawkeye. You let your eyes pass over it and they didn't move, besides Quicksilver flashing you a bright smile. That was cute.

You looked back towards Tony and saw that he had taken another step forwards. Captain America was beside him, looking at you kindly.

"Please, miss, just tell us why you were here," he prompted. "We aren't going to hurt you." He went to take another step forwards and you started to take one back. You could feel the hilt of the knife in your boot press up against your leg as you did so. Oh. You had forgotten about that.

Black Widow joined the two men and your shoulders tensed, your eyes locking on the dart gun in her hands. She seemed to notice and she...put it down and kicked it away? You blinked twice and looked back at her suspiciously.

Suddenly, red wisps are grabbing your wrists and pulling them back. Growling slightly, you spin and race towards Scarlet Witch, an unreadable emotion in your eyes. The ribbons stopped and Quicksilver was now in front of his sister.

Alternating your course, you burst out of the window that he had stopped guarding.

And you free fell to your death.

Just kidding

You fell for a few floors before landing roughly on the 15th floor balcony. You rolled inside and sprinted to the stairs, throwing the door open and jumping nearly full flights of steps to get down a few more floors.

*Up on the 19th floor*

The Avengers stared in shock at the broken glass. Clint, in a shaky voice asked, "Did we just watch somebody commit suicide?"

Tony and Natasha shook their heads. "I-I'm pretty sure there's a balcony a few floors down under that window," Tony replied. Clint nodded.

It was silent for a moment longer.

"Mr. Stark, the girl is now on the 10th floor and seems to be searching for something," JARVIS' voice interrupts their thoughts, suddenly reminding them that there was still an intruder. They all ran for the stairs, Pietro, of course, zipping ahead of everybody with Wanda in his arms.

*On the 10th floor*

"Where is it?" You muttered to yourself, scanning the cluttered work tables. You were in a lab that had been "discontinued" a while back, searching for anything that could sell quickly and for a lot of money.

You heard wind and your ponytail whipped around and hit your face. "Ugh," you said, spitting the hair out of your mouth.

You looked up and saw, who else? Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. "Great," you mumble, your voice barely audible. You continued to scan the tables.

"What is it that you are searching for?" A Russian accent asks in your ear. You yelp and spin around, punching Wanda in the face on instinct. She groaned and bent over, her hands in front of her nose.

You started to say something but then stopped. Instead you just stared at her helplessly. Quicksilver walked walked over to you two and pulled Wanda away only to stand where she had been.

"Evening, Princess," he said smiling slightly. "Can I help you?"

You shook your head and turned. Finally seeing something, you rush over to it and slip it into your bag before turning to leave.

National Union of Teachers this was not your day.

The rest of the Avengers had taken up fighting stances by the door and you sighed, before bringing your hands up.

"Alright, you win," you said quietly. They all blink at you in shock and relaxed. There were no windows for your to jump out of and even if there were, there were no balconies to save your sorry behind if you did jump out.

Black Widow walked over to you and held out her hand. Forgetting once more about your knife, you hand her your bag. She puts it in her other hand and looks at you expectantly.

"What? That's all I've---oh." You reached down and pulled the knife out of your boot. Flipping it into the air, you caught it skillfully by the blade and handed it hilt first to Natasha. She walked off and Clint came forwards.

"So what's your name kid?"

"I'm the Observer," you said quietly.

"Sorry what? I didn't catch that." You repeated yourself a bit louder and he blinked but nodded slowly.

"What is the Observer doing here?" Tony asked, putting the device you had been going to steal down on a table.

"Not observing." Tony shot you an annoyed look and you smirked. "Can I leave now?"





Captain America took a step forwards. "Please, miss, just tell us what your goal was."

"To steal something and not get caught. I failed."

"Miserably," Tony butted in. You glared at him.

"This is my second tried robbery cut me some slack," you growled.

"How about no? You break into my house--our house--then you're going to get caught."

You rolled your eyes. "Whatever."

All of you continued to banter for a while, you throughly enjoying yourself while they grew increasingly annoyed.

"Okay last time I'm going to ask this nicely," Black Widow snapped. "Why. Did. You. Break. In?"

"You call that nicely?" You mutter before holding your hands up when she took a step forwards. "I already told you. I was trying to rob you guys. I failed. End of story."

"There is agenda behind robbery, no?" Wanda asked. Her nose was bright red and parts of it were purple. You felt kind of bad but it had been entirely her fault for sneaking up on you like that.

You didn't answer her question and efficiently avoided everybody's eyes.

"Who are you working for?" Silence. "Gosh darn it, who are you working for?!"

"Trust me, Natasha," you said darkly looking at her. "You don't scare me as much as they do."

And of course, they all thought of HYDRA. "Are you a HYDRA agent?" Pietro asked.

"What?" You asked in surprise and shock. "No, no of course not!" They didn't believe you.

"Then tell us who."

You opened your mouth to tell them, the two words right there ready to come out but they wouldn't, couldn't. "I-I can't," you said in defeat, sitting on one of the tables.

I'll do a part three later where they all finally find out what your agenda is and you join the team!! Yay!

Awkward turtle 🐢

Anywho, comment or vote or whatever you guys want I'm not picky

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