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Your POV

It was time for your first meal in the mansion and as you walked through the huge halls with Wolfy and Creepster you began to get nervous of what the other inhabitants would think of you.

You could tell from Creepster's body language that she was going into her 'protect Wolfy at all costs' mode. You were too, you could feel your pulse raise as you approached the huge door that led into the dining room. You pressed your ear against the door and could hear the noise of a bunch of killers arguing and other activities.

"It'll be fine guys, we've got our weapons." Wolfy said, pulling you all into a line. You nodded and slowly reached for the door handle.


The door creaked open and a deadly silence fell across the room as the three of you entered. You could here mutters and whispers echo around as you three walked calmly across to three chairs and sat down, waiting for one of them to speak.

"Oh joy another furball to clean up after." You looked around and saw Jane and Clockwork staring disdainfully at Wolfy. She stood slowly and turned to face them, taking a steady step forward with a low growl echoing in her throat. "Back off you freak. Your just another do..."  *snap* "AHHH!!"

You and Creepster burst into laughter as Clockwork cradled her now red cheek, Wolfy lowered her outstretched hand and turned to face the other pastas. "The next person to insult me gets my claws through their eyes!!" She growled as Clockwork backed away followed by Jane.

*pop* slender appeared in the room and chuckled darkly at the sight of Jane and Clockwork. "I see you've become acquainted with my newest proxies already" he said signalling for you to finish your introductions. After that you all settled down in seats and waited for supper, unable to ignore the stares Wolfy got from Smile Dog.

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