The invasion

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Your POV

You snuck quietly through the gates, the rusted and twisted metal warned most to turn back but you found it inviting.

This was the under-realm, the domain of your father and it would soon have a new queen. You strolled across the courtyard, your h/c hair moving with each step.

A group of guards stopped as they saw you, one aimed a spear at your chest.

"Away whelp! I'm your queen!" You hissed at him, he dropped his weapon and fell to his knees in worship, others soon followed him. You sent them away with orders to rally their comrades for the battle that would overthrow the selfish pig that called himself king.

You could hear the other 'pastas moving into position as you marched through one of the hallways that would lead to the throne room, accompanied on one side by Creepster and Wolfy on the other.

The minions had rallied and had entered the throne room, the doors were open and Zalgo stood in the centre of the room surrounded by a circle of your friends from the mansion.

He glared at you, "How dare you try to take my throne?!" He bellowed, you didn't flinch at all, a worried look crossed his face.

You launched yourself into the air and began to circle him, your pure laughter echoing through the room.


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