The battle

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Your POV

"CHARGE!!!" You shrieked, folding your wings and diving straight towards your father. The other 'pastas and your new minion army charged the demonic hounds Zalgo summoned.

You slammed into Zalgo and knocked him to the ground, he snarled at you and lashed out. You landed perfectly and signed his attack with ease. You were now locked in a staring contest and you weren't going to lose your chance to avenge your mother.

Zalgo hissed at you and you responded with a demonic screech, you began to circle each other. Then you saw your golden opportunity, he wasn't wearing armour on his back.

You launched into the air and cast fire around his feet before diving straight into his back. You dug your claws deep into his flesh, he teleported out of the Under-realm before you could finish the job.

The room fell quiet as you turned to look at the throne.

It was time...

Life's a Bitch (creepypasta X reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora