Tag thing

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I was tagged by claire_fallen_angel and I want to say thanks! I love this kind of thing.

Favourite FNAF character?

Mangle! I respect that robots determination despite some very severe disabilities.

Favourite song?

Bangarang by Skrillex. I'm completely obsessed with his music!

Favourite Creepypasta?

I can barely choose but my favourite at the moment is Jane the Killer.

Pizza or pop tarts?

Pizza everyday! I can't eat pop tarts so yeah.

Favourite OC?

I've written so many of them but my favourites are Kerry Black,Pyscho and Gemini the Woods.

Any pets?

I share pets with my co-author so

Pingu - The demonic cat
Bertie - The derpy Jack Russell

Favourite youtuber?

SplatterCatGaming, an underrated youtuber from California who deserves a lot more recognition!

Fanfiction or regular books?

I like both equally but they have to be of a decent quality.

Pineapples or apples

Pineapples all the way

What animal would you be?

I would be a goblin shark, they can live forever and scare the living sh-t out of people!

What type of pizza?

Pepperoni or cheese and bacon!!

Chocolate or Vanilla cake?

Vanilla, I'm pretty much banned from chocolate.

Vampires or werewolves?

I've written about both and I like both but my preference drifts to werewolves.


1. Post all Rules

2. Tag five people

3. Answer 13 questions (or more) and ask 13 for others

4. Idk

5. Tag backs are allowed

These are Claire's questions

What do you think of motionless in white?

I've never really looked into them but I really should.

If the 'pasta mansion was on fire which three would you save? Why?

Jane- she's my homegirl and my inspiration for several new characters I'm working on.

Grinny- I love cats! That's all I needed to say!

Sally- I could never leave a child her age to die in a fire.

What do you think of Claire?

I absolutely love her writing and she is my inspiration for many stories! If I met her in real life I would probably cry with joy!

Favourite anime? Why?

Attack on Titan because Levi is bae forever!!

Favourite movie genre?

Horror for the win!

Favourite singer/band?

Band- fallout boy
Singer- Melanie Martinez

Which creepypasta affected you the most?

'Why I didn't shower for 22 years'
That story made me afraid to shower for a week, much to the dismay of Wolfy-chan.

What band member would Claire be?

I honestly don't know, you are really nice, very creative and quite focused but I don't know who you are most like.

Favourite TV show?

Fresh Prince of Bel Air!!

Best outfit?

A red and white flannel shirt (men's)
Grey Nike tracksuit bottoms (women's)
Black and white Nike Airmax
Red fireball earring studs

Career path?

Commercial/Criminal Law

Sam and Dean show up!

I would fangirl, scream and die of happiness.

Opinion on coffee?

It's ok but I can't have it to often because it triggers my acid reflux.

I nominate...

And anyone else that wants to do it!!

My questions are...

1. What do you like to read?

2. What is your favourite colour and why?

3. What is your opinion on live at first sight?

4. Do you like horror films or comedy films?

5. How did you get into wattpad?

6. Do you believe in fairytales?

7. Do you believe in aliens? Why do you believe that?

8. What is your favourite planet?

9. What do you think of me?

10. On a scale of 1 - 10 , how stressed do you get during a test?

11. Would you ever donate blood? Why?

12. What is your opinion on Starbucks?

13. Do you like these tag things?

Thanks for reading guys!

The horrifying queen of horror

Creepster out. Xx

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