Perfect Night 2

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The program finally start. The first part of the program was a game called dance,dance,dance."Ok for the first game we need 15 participants"the mc said."Me!"Onew said as he raised his hands and the mc picked him."Ok...The handsome guy who was raising his hands come up to the stage"the mc said. So Onew walked up to the stage and get interviewed by the Mc. As for me i was quietly watching him.

"My what a handsome looking man,what's your name"the mc asked me."Oh...I'm Yonggam"i replied."Nice to meet you mr.Yonggam,are you from around here?"he asked me."well,actually i live in Korea and i just got here because i'm learning english"I replied."Oh...From korea huh,now the game is just simple you just have to dance the song that we are about to play. Since you are from korea,we need some korean music. Dj please play"the mc said. So i waited for the music. I heard that it is our song Lucifer,so i danced."wow!"the audience said. Afterwards,the music stopped playing."Wow...Mr.Yonggam you are good at this. But there is a little bit twist in here. After dancing you have to guess who are they?"the mc said as he showed me 5 pictures of us."They are SHINee"i answered."Correct!"the mc said."last question tell me who are the members?"he asked me again."The members are Onew,Jonghyun,Minho,Key and Taemin"i answered."Correct!congratulations mr.Yonggam you won!"the mc said as he gave me a bracelet with our names on them."Thank you"i said."before you go you have to give that bracelet for someone who is very special to you and when that person received the bracelet that you gave you will always remember his/her name. Also a love will spark between you and your special someone"the mc whispered onto my ear as i went down to the stage and sat closed to Micah."you were great out there Oppa"she whispered onto my ear.(Someone that is very special to me?)i said to myself as i stared at Micah.(she is very beautiful. I just want to hold her everyday. I want her to be the only woman that i loved. I love you Micah even though you are too dense to notice that i have feelings for you.)i said to myself as i kept on staring at Micah. I did not even know that the second game has started,i just kept on staring at her.(I can't stop staring at her.She is so beautiful.)i said to myself.
After a while,the first part of the event has ended and the mc announced that while waiting for the last part of the program he announced that the food is ready and all of us should eat. So all of us fall in line to go get some food. Afterwards,all of us returned to our seats and ate our foods. The crew arranged a movie so that we can eat and at the same time relaxed. After eating and relaxing,the mc come up to the stage and opened up the last part of the event."Ok i hope everyone enjoyed there foods,now for the second part of the event everyone needs to stand up with your partner"the mc said. So i stood up and i tooked Micah's hands."ok this event is about slow dance.Please enjoy them until 12 am"the mc said. So all of us enjoyed the slow dance. I asked Micah to have this dance with me."Micah,can i have this dance with you"I asked her."Ne Oppa"she replied as she took my hand and i led her into the dance floor. It was the happiest moment of my life. I get to asked my dream girl to dance with me. Afterwards,the last part of the event has ended and it's time to party. "Yo! are you all ready to party!"the dj asked us ."yeah!"all of us said. So the dj played the party music and all of us partied until 2 am. Before Micah and I left the venue,i kissed her right on her lips again. Afterwards,the both of us left the venue and got in the car. We are headed on our hotel because its already 2 am and i cannot let Micah go at this hour. It will be dangerous for her so i decided to have Micah at our hotel. I got in the car and sat infront as for Micah she sat in the backseat. I put on my headset and i listened to my music and at the same time i slept.


I was surprised that Onew kissed me again right on my lips. (Omg!he did it again!)i said to myself as i looked out the window. Afterwards,i turned my attention towards the sleeping Onew and i observed him.(Kya!! even sleeping Onew still looks good. Such a beautiful person i never knew such beauty exist. He really is tired,i shouldn't question it because of their hectic schedule. I hope that Onew is well. I don't want him to be sick because if that happens i would be worried about him. Oppa please stay well. I love you.)i said to myself as i continued staring at the peacefully sleeping Onew. After a while,i turned my attention towards the outside of the window. While i was looking outside,I never noticed that Onew woked up and sat beside me. Then Onew suddenly stare at me. So i've done my best to avoid his eye contact but i still feel Onew's eyes staring at me. "Micah why are you avoiding my eye contact?"he asked me."No--nothing"i replied."Micah"he said as he turned my face to look at him. But i still avoided eye contact. Suddenly,my eyes met with his i wanted to look away but i coudn't because his eyes are so mesmerizing. Onew did not reply instead he hugged me and whispered onto my ear,"Kamsamida Micah for tonight and Saranghe"Onew whispered onto my ear. Afterwards,Onew went back to the front seat and looked outside the window. (Wha--what was that all about. He said that he love me?!.) i said to myself. Onew left me speechless. (Did he just confessed?! Is that what he really said?!Am i dreaming or is it real?!)I said to myself. I was daze for a couple of minutes but later on i shook that thought off. Aftewards,i slept and dreamt about SHINee and Onew.
Tonight is literally a perfect night,i get to danced with Onew and He even said I love you to me. I won't forget this night,this memory is the one that i will cherish the most. I love you too Onew.


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