Intoxicating Love

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Onew dragged me away from Lance and He put me on his bed then he went on top of me and roughly kissed me on my lips. What is wrong with Onew?I wondered as i pushed him away from me *Pushes Onew away*.
Onew landed on the floor. "Mianhae Oppa"i said. But Onew did not reply instead he stood up and pinned me on the bed."Who was that guy with you earlier?"he asked me."He is just a friend"i answered."A friend?!"Onew loudly said."A friend?!but he was so close with you!"Onew loudly said to me as he breathe hotly on my neck."Ok!He is a close friend of mine!"I loudly said to Onew. "Yah!"Onew loudly said to me as he roughly kissed my collar bone that caused me to moan."nngh...."i moaned. Then he forcefully opened up my mouth and slipped his tounge inside and i bit it that caused Onew to moaned."Nngh..."Onew moaned. Onew then unpinned me."Mianhae Micah,I just got jealous and my other side came out"Onew said."That's ok Oppa"I replied as i pulled Onew and he was then on top of me."Micah--"Onew said but i cut him off my roughly kissing him on his lips. "Is that how you wanna play?"Onew said as he roughly kissed me back then the heavy make out session follows. It was a wonderful day. Onew's intoxicating personality came out that led into an intense make out session. After that heavy make out session,both of us layed on the bed breathless.Wow i never knew that this Onew is hot.He usually is cute and dorky in front of the variety show but i never expect him to show his intoxicating personality in front of me. I kinda like this side of him compare to his cute side. Sure cute Onew is so heartwarming but this Onew is so much better. In fact this Onew is so freaking hot and manly.I said to myself as i turned to my side and saw Onew facing me. "Wow i never knew that you have such an intoxicating personality"I said."Yeah me neither i never knew this side of me."Onew replied."How come you never show your intoxicating personality in front of the shawols and in front of the media as well?"I asked him."Well,i need to hide this intoxicating personality because if they found out then all the shawols would think of me as a pervert and that would create a huge scandal in front of the media and it will ruin my career that's why i maintaned my cute and dorky image"Onew explained."Ah..."I replied."Also i do not show them because all the Shawols are young they might be around your age. Also when i am dating someone,i show my intoxicating personality if the girl that i was dating has an intoxicating personality such as myself"Onew replied."Ah.."I said. "So are we gonna keep this from your members and from the shawols as well?"I asked him."Well yeah,i guess"Onew replied."Mmm i'm with you Oppa"I replied as i hugged Onew."Kamsamida Micah"Onew replied as he softly kissed me. I like this side of him because he was gentleman-like compared to wild and hot Onew. Still i like the wild and hot Onew before but this gentle Onew is the best. I love him even though his intoxicating personality came out.I said to myself as i stood up."Where are you going Micah?"Onew asked me."Well,i gotta go back to see if my friend Ashley is ok please let me go"I said to him."Sure just be careful ok"Onew said as he stood up and gently kissed me on my forehead. So i left SHINee's reserved hotel with a memory of our heavy make out session.
Wow the thing that i experienced earlier is an intoxicating Love. Onew is really venomous he is like my very own poison that i cannot get away from. What did i do to deserved him?
Onew with a gentle face and sweetest smile can be deadly and poisonous on the inside. Onew is really intoxicating and i love him for that.

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