Colors of The Season

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"Ashley,i will not be able to help if you kept on crying"i said to her. "Sorry"Ashley replied as she wiped her tears. "Now,tell me why are you crying?"i asked her. "Well,it's because of Troy"she replied. "What about Troy? Did he hurt you again?"I asked Ashley. "Yeah he hurt me again"she replied. "What did he do?"i asked her. "Well,it was i think about a week ago.He showed up at my doorstep and he wanted to get back with me again. I refused but later on he threatened me."Ashley explained."That's horrible"i replied. "He pointed a gun towards me and said that if i didn't gave him another chance he would kill me"She replied. "He's really the worst guy ever"i said. "So i had no choice. I gave him another chance"She replied. "Did Ivan knew this?"i asked her."No,when i was with him i tried my best to smile but deep inside i was so scared"she replied."So scared of what?"i asked. "I was so scared of Ivan finding out"she said. "Why?"I asked her. "Well,if Troy finds out that i'm with Ivan then he would hurt him and I can't bear to see Ivan getting hurt that's why i'm avoiding him"Ashley said. "Did Ivan find out already?"I asked her."Luckily No"she said. "Then would you tell him about it?"I asked."No,I won't"She replied. "But Ivan would be hurt if you didn't tell him right"i said. "I know,but i just don't want him to be hurt"she replied.
"I know that you don't want Ivan to be hurt but if this keeps up then it will create a huge fight. I don't want to see you caught in the middle of this fight. Just tell Ivan the truth i'm sure he'll understand"I said. "You're right"She said as she took out her cell and called Ivan. "Hello,Ivan come here quick,i'm going to tell you something very important"She said on the phone. "Will he be able to understand?"Ashley asked me. "I'm sure. Ivan is really great guy and i'm sure he'll understand"I said. "Yeah,he really is a great guy and i'm positive that he'll understand"she said. "yeah you go girl"i said to her. "Thanks Micah,if you're not here then i don't know what to do."She said. "Aw don't say that you're embarassing me"i said to her. "Micah,you really are lucky you know that. Because you have an amazing guy as a boyfriend"she said.
"Come on don't say that you're luckier than me because you have Ivan"I said.
"Well,i have him but i can't get away from my ex"she said. "I know but i'm sure he'll stopped chasing you sooner or later. Just forget about Troy because you are better off without him"I said to her. "Thanks Micah"she said as she hugged me. After a couple of minutes,Ivan came. "Um..Ashley should i leave you two alone?"I asked her. "Sure,thanks again for everything"Ashley said. So i left them alone. I went to SHINee heaven cafe. I sat on a table closed to the window. I ordered some apple juice and some strawberry shortcake. I waited for my order for a while. In order for me to not get bored,i opened up my phone and i continued watching SHINee's one fine day. While i was watching and waiting for my order to came,i happened to look outside the window and saw Key passed by. Oh no,I said to myself as i look away. Luckily,Key didn't notice me.That was close,I said to myself as i curled into a ball and hid my face. The people thought it was weird but i just ignored them. After a couple of minutes,my order came and then i payed the waiter. After paying,i ate my food and at the same time watched SHINee's one fine day. I finished eating at around 4 or 5 pm. I left the cafe and went to a nearby cd shop called Shuyuki. I entered and looked around for SHINee's cd. As i was looking for SHINee's cd,i happen to notice Onew sitted on a chair with his headset strap in his ear. Isn't that Onew alone?,i said to myself as i approached him. He saw me and he removed his headset."Oh...Anneyong Micah"he greeted me. "Anneyong Oppa"i greeted him back. "What are you doing here Micah?"Onew asked me. "Well,you know looking for SHINee's cd"i replied."Ah..."Onew said. "How about you Oppa,what are you doing here?"i asked him. "Well,you know just looking for kpop cds"He replied. "Oh..."i replied. "Didn't Shawols noticed you?"i asked him again. "Well,earlier they noticed me but luckily only just a few of them"Onew replied. "Oh.."I replied. "Would you like to go together?"Onew asked me."Sure"i replied. Both of us stood up and began looking for SHINee's cd together. After looking for an hour,we finally saw them. "Finally"i said. "What cd are you gonna buy Micah?"Onew asked me. "Um...I don't know. Your DxDxD album is great but your odd album is much better the same with Married To The Music. I don't know what to get,Augh!Help me please"I said to Onew."Why don't you get the three of them Micah"Onew suggested."That's a great idea Oppa but i don't have enough money. I only have about 4,000. I could get at least 2 but i want the 3 of them"I said. "Don't worry about that Micah,i'll buy the though three of them for you"Onew said. "Really,but do you have money?"I asked him. "Ne,actually before we went here we exhanged our Korean Won for a peso"Onew replied as he went to the counter and payed for the 3 albums,*wents to the counter and pays for it*. After paying for the album he then returned to me.
"Here you go"Onew said as he gave the 3 cd that i was looking at earlier."Kamsamida Oppa"I thanked him. Onew did not reply instead he sealed it with a kiss on my lips. "Oppa,what gift would you like for your birthday?"I asked him. "Oh,nothing"He replied. "Oppa,don't be like that it's your birthday and i want to give you something in return come on tell me"I said. "Nothing,all i want for my birthday is not a thing or an accesesory."He replied. "Then what do you want?"I asked him. "All i want for my birthday is non other than you Micah. I don't want anything i just want you to be present for the celebration of my birthday. Only you.
I love you so much Micah"Onew replied as he kissed me on my forehead. As i heard him say this,i felt overwhelmed. In returned,i tip toed and i kissed him back. We then left Shuyuki shop and headed on our way to my apartment. After a long drive,we finally reached my apartment. Both of us entered and saw that Ivan and Ashley are no longer her. "Oh...I think the two of them left."I said. "Yeah. Micah the night is already deep. Well,i better get going now. Micah thanks for today."Onew said as he gave me a soft and gentle kiss before he left. After Onew left,i went upstairs and i layed on my bed.
His love is like the colors of the season,sometimes red,sometimes yellow. Sometimes he loves me with a deep shade of red,Sometimes his love turns yellow as the sun. When i first saw him,i felt the start of the warm love just like Summer. Then later on it turns to Autumn. Our hearts are stored in place that will never ever be open just like the food of a squirrel that is stored in a log. Then our love became cold as ice just like Winter. Because of a little bit of a misunderstanding. But right now our love who just went through Winter became Spring. This is the best ever love that the both of us had experienced. It's like the Color Of The Seasons that will never ever change.I said to myself as i slept.

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